run me quik

hmmm geez, i could be mistaken but that could be some nut riding off your friend’s stuff (in this case tony’s moms salary) and then have it reinforced as a good rip by you quik. But wouldn’t thats be the same as what you accuse me of doing through my friend’s cars? Whats good for one is good for another! !

i just know that ppls parents wages shouldnt be brought into anything. its one thing to say your ride belongs to somone…ok thats slidable but saying someones parents wages thats just low

ok then try it again, lets hear you talk about my father in person

i could care less how you try to rip on me but leave parents out of this. saying somones ride belongs to someone else is ok and quite fun but talking about them isnt.

i’ll say whatever the fuck i want to say to you George… youre a pathetic piece of shit

you started this arguement, im ending it.

You know, the world would be so much better without you

and why is that fun? because i’m smart enough to beat the ridiculous insurance rates for someone my age by having my dads name as owner of my cars?

that wasnt an insult to you man, alot of ppl on this board have rides in parents names, not just you. go chill some. its cool here

now that’s stretching you can do better than that

i could swear this was by you
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quik wont run me on the track

nope he won’t. he knows his shit is to slow, that his dad pays for

and you wont say shit to me in person, thats reality. cause no silver spoon preppy would