Running from cops?

last time i ran i know i was in for a world of shit

all i did was drop off my sisters friend at her own house … was just doing a favor … but the house in question was -and still is- a place that that towns cops spend waaaaay to much time at

cop saw em leave the driveway and instantly started coming after my ass with a hard on

i got lucky, the cop got tied up in traffic behind me and lost sight of me, so i bailed, ran for the edge of town. i knew EXACTLY the kind of shit this town pulled on people leaving this house and i wasnt gonna have it, i dont need thousands of dollars in legal bills just for dropping someone off someplace.

i made it over the border in the nick of time, and since then that police department has decided to start ignoring city limits, they will go at least a mile into other towns to pull people over for traffic infractions

running is stupid, yes, but in this case i know it was the lesser of 2 evils