Running funny. Possible temp sensor failure.

So here’s the story. first thing in the morning I fire up my car, give it a minute and take off. Before the needle creeps off cold it runs nice and smooth, lots of grunt. after the needle makes its way past the C it develops a lurch, sort of a breif stutter under partial load. That and it idles at around 200rpm. Step on it and it takes of but if you give it just a bit it runs badly. After ten to fifteen minutes, once it hits operating temp it runs fine, idles fines and no lurching. What’s the deal? Maybe one of the temperature sensors crapped out on me? Any help would be great. Oh and my car is a 1985 200sx, ca18et with a few mods. Cold air, intercooler, BOV, MBC, MSD ignition,

Cliffnotes - runs great cold and hot but not while warming up.

maby maf or coild. Id cheak the codes on your ecu. That might help and would tell you if it was your temp sensor or MAF or whatever. I only say maf cuz the ECU sends diffrent amperage to the MAF when warming up and while cold. So ya and maby you baught a filter and forgot to bolt the filter to the car and the MAF got a good bounce in the engine bay and failed. Ive seen it a few times. People say my car ran fine and now it doesnt and it was fine for about 200km after I bolted in a filter pod. Good luck