RW Civic Stolen

exactly, not insured correctly…you gamble and you loose…ask sasha…if you’re going to modify a car to that extent…don’t be a retard and try to trick your insurance company and not declare things, or cheap out and not get theft, you’ll just get burned in a case like this.

still a sad day, hope the car gets found.

The problem is, when you go to get it insured, you get your ass dropped by the insurance co. and have to pay out the ass for facility if you want it insured properly.

Insurance companies are scum.

$700 alarms mean shit compared to insurance.
If someone wants a nice car that bad they can have it on a flatbed in seconds. Your only hope is maybe a GPS reciever. But you better hope it has its own power supply, is well hidden, and they dont put the car in a metal container or something …

15 years old? get it insured on apparaisal value…think kitcars with roll cages and shit are’t fully insured…there are ways…like a car like that…you need special insurance…other wise you’re gambeling with your shit…and like somone said…a $700 alarm aint shit…if somone wants your car…they’ll take it…

we had a brandnew f350 bright green i might add stolen out fo our yard at work. GPS with ignition cutout and everything…they still stole the thing.

If they want it, they will take it, remember these guys are pros.

how the hell u guys know there pros?

a civic can and are stold in under 30 seconds, flat screwdirver and a slidehammer is all u need , bring me a civic , ill show u .

10,000 reward eh? sounds like dave has alot of money he should keep his 10 grand and start a new civic, yeah yeah i know the civic was worth more ,

sorry to say this but if i knew where the car was id be reluctant to tell anybody where the car was cuz i wouldnt want to get hassled by the cops. hmmmm 10 grand… lets go tell the owner and the cops so i can get hassled and arrested for conspiring and all types of other shit.

Sorry dave , i hope u find yur car but my offer to try and help find it is out.

Maybe this experience will humble u and ur arrogance and your pride lost and swallowed.

Like i said good luck with the search, i would hate to have my baby go missing.

hector, you sound ruthless but its the truth.

The car is probably in peices already, hell maybe the guido’s own civic’s and are using dave’s parts. But I guess thats a good lesson…If you know your car is easy to steal, get legit insurance. Otherwise face the Consequences.

Still sorry to hear. :grouphug:

Dave is only out to benefit him self … for once - is this $ 10 000 for real or is it just talk (like always).

^^ as far as i know thats what he is saying…

so whatever, everyone knows the car is gone for good…so no one will be getting the 10G’s n-e ways

It’s true if a professional theif wants to steal you car they will, no matter what kind of an alarm you have. I just think in this case where the guy drove off instead of using a flat bed an alarm could of made a difference.
But a GPS reciever is the best thing to have.

yea that would have been the smartest thing to do…

but there not free and dave probably couldnt get sponsorship.

oh by the way guys just a regualr gps isnt trackable , u need a gps locator thought id clear that up

the parts will show up eventually , i guarantee it , the tuner market is small, trust that it will show up at a tim hortons parking lot near u

^^^ Your right about the fact that the parts will show up in a local
tim hortans parking lot near you but how can one prove they are his?

If you split those parts between like 15 different people theres
no telling whats his, whats not, and whats store bought.

sounds like this was premeditated.

whoever stole it knew you’d be tied up for an hour+ and the car would be parked outside where it’s accessible. at home you park it in the garage, work the same, and something like weekly / daily classes they knew you’d be there at such and such time.

so either A. it’s someone that you know or B. it’s someone that’s been eyeing you for awhile now.

either way, good luck to your friend, I remember how pissed I was when someone smashed my window and stole my deck… but the entire car… damn :confused: