s13 smashes people drifting

the poor car

hitting the wall better then some ppl… not just some ppl. but rather YOUR friends that go to track and take pics with you, laugh with you

I can’t see it either…Youtube is blocked at work. :(.

yah i saw this on 7tune yesterday…insane

That’s crazy! I saw a little bit of it on the news here in Europe, I think it happened in Lithuania somewhere if I’m not mistaken. Hopefully there were no deaths but for shure there are some serious injuries.

This is why they should keep the fans away from the cars. I have been to 2 rally races here in Greece and the people stand like right next to the road, some stand on the side of the road, on the road!.. It’s nuts, there is hardly any safety regulations for fans in european motorsports, I have seen people jump in front of an oncoming rally car just to snap a good picture!

the event organiser should have put barriers there or not let people stand in that area…i mean yeah it unlikly someone…looks like toque steers? into them but you never know.

i always think at CSCS people should not be allowed to stand righht at the end of the lane for drift. becasue you never know if someones hacked cars brakes can fail/ people go out of control

just saying…

If he didnt mean to do it then its not murder, but killing people still gets you manslaughter. (IE hitting someone while your drunk and killing them, manslaughter. you didnt mean to do it…)

im pretty sure dude was sober tho. He wouldnt get charged for manslaughter in an organized event like that, it was an accident and could have been avoided. It was the organizers fault and now, problem.

wow almost wish i didnt watch that. crazy vid!

that is a pooooor driver lol

Whoa, that’s nuts. I don’t think I’d be to interested in drifting ever again after that.

^ are you being cereal?


Where the fuck was he trying go go there?

I guarantee those people are seriously hurting right now…some one must be dead


that wasnt cool. will warn others to stay behind walls or put em up

put em up sucka

Yeah he get out and checks that one person closest to the camera. I guess he see what he’s done and they try to to restrain him…but he looks devastated and rolls around on the ground.

I wonder if he’ll stop drifting…?? I would if I was him.

If I was him id shoot a load from all the excitement. Then probably kill myself for knowing i Killed 8~ people

that was terrible, i hope everyone made it.

holy shoot