s13 smashes people drifting

Event organizers are completely at fault. End of story.

i think no one died. as for the guy. i would still drift. drift where there is only walls tho lool.

on a plus, at least bodies have a little more give then a wall…(that was bad, i take it back)

yes but this is different, the guy was not drunk (i think) and the people standing right next to the track knew they were in some kind of danger with cars speeding by right next to them.

no more watching amateur drifting from the sideline for me ever again.

the driver is NOT at fault here.

its like trying to blame the pilot of a sky diving plane if your shoot doesnt open. you knew the risks, but you did it anyway.

I agree not driver fault becasue he signed up to push the limits of his car and made a mistake…witch happens yet the organiser did not put the croud in a protected area if something where to happen, witch did. so yeah no blame to the driver

that guy sucks he should never drift again that was like a girl shooting a basketball with her left hand

If you pause it at 4 seconds there is a guy in a orange jacket, that does a full cartwheel with a smile on his face.

wow that is krazy


hahahaha look at the cartwheel

The guy with the yellow top and black pants who is break dancing is awesome too!

thats too funny.
sure they were hurt, but i think they would want us to laugh

Most annoying language ever… what countries is this language spoken so I can never go there?


Hey if you’re stupid, you’re stupid. You really don’t have any brain power when you are spectating a sport where they are keeping a car out of control in control, and not standing behind any barriers.

When you stand there you are making the assumption that nobody will make a mistake.



I don’t think anyone would ever go there anyway…

Not exactly a tourist attraction lol.