S13GG sig issue

Originally posted by S13GG:

So I go and read andy’s post re: avatars and sigs, mine seems to adhere to the rules, just 2 quotes and 5 words.

Gonad sisn’t like it so I ask for him to lay out criteria for my sig, he responds saying;

Well I gave you the chance to change your sig and you didn’t.

So I’ve ahead and edited it. If you feel this is injustice, feel free to post here:

[quote=“S13GG”][quote=Gonad]It’s too big and it’s taking up valuable space and I keep confusing it as
part of a thread.

Failure to do so will result in me editing your sig to something a little more


so uhm, I’m just pissed that rather than let me do my ish, or ANSWERING MY ! SIMPLE QUESTION, he changes my sig, thanks dink, yeah I called you a dink

the balance has been restored.

Communication errors? I’m over it. :twisted:
