S14 With Sr Stock SOLD BATCHES!

Yes, I know, its back up for sale. Ready to be winter driven if need be. New battery, tires, wheels, thermostat, and the stock suspension is back on. Im selling as is, $9000.

pictures ??? e-mail to flippy_86@hotmail.com

You’re insane to be selling this for $9000. Don’t do it man. Wait until spring and put it back up to like 12. Someone will buy it for sure!

fix your sig.

mark, ure a tool to sell this car so cheap…lol

got any pics ?
send to dclaudet@hotmail.com

seriously, although i am gettig someone else’s s14 on the board, i must say
dude, plz don’t sell your s14 for $9000…!!! that is just crazy man
your black top motor is worth half of that already (not really, but still)
unless you are super broke, don’t sell it for 9000. your car is worth so much more than that. it’s worth at least $12000

The car’s worth what people will pay for it.

how poor ARE you!??!?!?!?

keep the damn car man!! 3F3F coming out it’ll sell for 20G’s with your wheels… woodbridge gino’s have money and they buy whats “in”

patience will double your $$$

pics please.

e-mail/msn: nogoodstuff123@hotmail.com

haha i love these comments. I know im back and forth on selling the car, but i want it gone, im not really interested in modding cars anymore, well for the time being.

yeah u suck marc,

and i got bad news for you.

you still wont get $9000 for the car.

First of all bing its MARK, im not a bullfrog. Secondly, if I get 9 i get 9, if not, car stays in my hands ONCE AGAIN.

sorry Mark,

yeah man, just keep her.

its a wicked car, cant be rebuilt for your asking price, so make it fast and smack her up.

Honestly, if I didn’t already have so much money into my car, I would buy this for sure.

This is a killer deal for anyone intersted.

Have to agree with whats going on in the tunning scene and the 3F3F movie soon to come out S chasis cars are going to go up in price. S13’s dont own one so can say but I see S14’s that have been turbo’d pulling the same during the hayday of Mitsu Eclipses. I never thought eclipse would sell for 16-18,000 near stock but it did. I got my s14 a year ago for 5,000 and have been offered close to 8,000 for it before. Just wait a bit longer man I am sure we all stand to be able to make a handsome profit from out S14’s regardless of what others think.

I’m really interested. Get back to me please.

… and no I’m not one of those time wasting deadbeats…

well then you are automatically a smart man, cuz this car is a steal. Im calling the cops if he sells it hahahah

could you send me pictures

ill give u 6000 tonight…lol