S15 sexiness

ya this is pretty much everyones dream I thinks.

pretty neato, i wish i had one :frowning:

nice post, I forgot about these guys

Thanks for making me fiend an s15 even more…

popped a semi

love it, wonder what the cost actually was???

full on here:eek:

Very clean, but a bit too stockish ATM. The Bee-R S15 does it for me. Only things I would change on that car is the battery location, and the gauge setup. Aside from that, I think the Beer-R represents a dream goal for an S15 for m


s15’s are like s13’s with refinement.

so hawt

Strangely, I’m not a fan of S15’s however I now officially want one.


Group buy!

want that car!


one semi

one full on

and one on empty

yea i hate s15’s till i seen that for some reason
as for the beeR s15…on beeR’s website you can custom order the supercharger kit.

They’re really not that great looking stock, I used to be so impressed by them until I saw a bone stock one in person. It’s just so damn plain. Now, modded out, that’s a whole different story :smiley:

Nice vid and the S15 was sweet but…

Nissan Gti-R …FTW!

It was a car I was never too fond of…until I drove one!

I know a guy in Athens who has one!
SR20DET with AWD! Great little car!!!
