Chris (canadiandrifter240sx) Avery, and myself got a chance to session dunnville for 3 hours all to ourselves. thanks to my good friend John who works in management there. John has recently bought a 240 after taking him for a few laps.
this is nothign special, ive been too lazy to put effort into editing and such
chris had a fucked clutch and i had no power steering
Man that was such a fun day besides the fact that my car rubbed through my harness because i was to lazy to move the harness in the fender…(Leo you know what im talking about haha).
bing im really not bad at editing, but i edited that during class and i had to take 25min of good footage and make a 5min drift clip thing… and i didnt really care. i kinda got lazy and gave up
it was a spur of the moment thing with notice only a day before hand.