S1dc's midwest adventures.

so some of you know ACP, Chris St.John, and I went on a midwest road trip a few weeks ago. It was a blast. So many stories so many mishaps. Some of you keep asking for pics. here is a collection from my camera, chris has some, and so does jen(acp’s girl). Jen happens to have all of the drifting pics on her camera and she hasnt sent them to me yet. cut to the chase.

Chris and i drove to missouri. Middle of fucking nowhere. 22 hours through crazy snow storm. We sleep in the trailor and in the morning i discovered we were parked next to my favourite store in the world.

and its rally day

got 4th place at 100 Acre wood, Rally America event. ACP’s car Finished in true S1DC style.


after three nights in missouri we pack up and drive a few hours south to oklahoma.

After a good night sleep we wake up at the sickest racetrack ever!!!
acp is excited

love the mornign stretch
get your shit out its drifting time 7:30am till sundown… sick
as you can imagine we used a lot of tires that day

since action shots are boring ill only post one from a high speed corner
ugly car A
ugly car B

drive home was cool

Indianapolis or something i forget

chris is teh champion

240’s are good for something

oh, and a teaser video. acp was having steering problems, Chris St.John in the front throwin sparkz

lol I love that my hood is still alive (red and white car) I made it in a hurry though

St. Louis - gateway to the Mississippi or whatever.

Looks like an awsome trip dude…ide love to drive in the off season…lucky!

lol steering problems, i think not…more like cool 360’s lol
looks fun tho. i drove to Florida not to long ago it was a crazy drive also

gateway to the west

meh, it was late as hell when we rolled through there. kinda over glorified. lots of metal.

Thats wild, I love the trailer!!

Congrats ACP dude

Looks like a wicked trip! Oh memories of the track…when will winter end!!!