Sabres Collectors Medallions

did anyone grab them today? people are going crazy over them and they are going for $70 on ebay i heard. i got briere and roy

i never got the coupon for the book in sundays paper, i think the paper boy snagged them lol

The news is releasing more due to the demand, i hope the ebayers rot in hell.

i’m going to call the buffalo news and see if there’s anyway for people no longer in buffalo to buy them, it says something about $79 for the whole set on

I sell them at my work. People are nuts with them.
anyone want to buy ones that arent available yet? I’ll sell them at a fair price

haha, my dad is running this promotion, im pretty sure i got the whole set already @ his house…


i’m going to call the buffalo news and see if there’s anyway for people no longer in buffalo to buy them, it says something about $79 for the whole set on


people at the news said you’d be able to buy the set as a whole once the entire promotion was done


i’m going to call the buffalo news and see if there’s anyway for people no longer in buffalo to buy them, it says something about $79 for the whole set on


let me know what they say, i’d rather do that lol

lol people are going nuts over these,I’ve heard the word medallion at least 50 times in the last 24hrs.

Its such a ripoff…even when buying the whole set you need all the coupons from the paper :bloated:.


lol people are going nuts over these,I’ve heard the word medallion at least 50 times in the last 24hrs.

Its such a ripoff…even when buying the whole set you need all the coupons from the paper :bloated:.


not when u think about it… its supposed to eb a collectors thing… if they were just avail in teh stores so everybody could have them, it wouldnt be cool…


I personally wished i could have them :frowning:

called: buffalo news woman said that as of now there is no way to purchase them other than in-person at the buffalo news downtown or at one of the local retailers :cry:

and to order the whole set after the inital run is done i heard would require every ad from the paper for each player including the the holder for them. But its the whole law of supply an demand, few coins, many wants= ass rapings on ebay jay if you still have the paper its on the back page of section "h’ if not i still have it, if there any even left

i can’t beleive people want this shit.


Whats next… stamps?

I’m a huge hockey fan btw, but i’m not blowing money on sabres coins for god sakes.


i can’t beleive people want this shit.


Whats next… stamps?

I’m a huge hockey fan btw, but i’m not blowing money on sabres coins for god sakes.


they are a neat thing to have plus they dont look cheaply made

im getting mine, got moms saving coupons, went at 5am this morning to wilson farms, sold out in 15 minutes.


its framable also, which is cool.

so what happens if any of these guys leave the team? do they isssue new members of the team… or is it just a waste then?

lol they are all sold out at martins. people were pretty disappointed.

lol,I thought I had work today but they switched my shift to tomorrow morning so I decided to make it worth getting up at 5am and get one of these coins.

I waited in line for a half hour,was the 10th in line and by the time the service desk at Wegmans opened,the line was 50+ people.

What a gay little coin.:mamoru: