WTB: Sabres numbers/name

anyone know of somewhere in town i can have the name and number done on a sabres jersey? i dont want one of those stupid ones that looks like someone did it in their basement. i want the official numbers. if so where and how much do you think it will run me?

buy em off ebay and then go to like alross or something. thats prob the best way to do it. what name and number you looking for? i might be able to get it for you also

im looking for roy (9), but a couple friends of mine may be interested too.

great skate, 70 bucks if u have the jersey

had mine done last year

holy crap thats expensive. i was thinking like 30 or 40. maybe i do want to go the ebay route. that way i know what i am getting. the go for around $20 on there. my mom knows someone who owns an embroidery shop, so getting that done isnt really an issue. she might be able to get the numbers too. but it is in rochester though.

hey man ill call right now and get a price for you should have it posted my tonight

good luck getting the correct font, thats why its so much, original fonts and they use the same place that the sabres use.

thats what im worried about. you can definately tell when you go to the arena too. the labor isnt the issue for me though. i can get that done. i just need to get a hold of the numbers. do they charge per number/letter? or just 70 for the whole thing? because Roy should be like less than half price

call Sorrentino’s sports


someone at work suggested them. its close to work, so that would be good

Everyone wants everything now but for way less than it is.

isnt that the point of this section?

sorrentos is the same price, i check all of them, they are all the same price

this is last year, it may be cheaper now that the sabres suck ass.

call the sabre store as well

I dont remember exactly how much it was, but not 70-80 like you are looking at

yeh, now is the time to buy sabres stuff haha. i am hoping that a bunch of people cancel their season tickets so i can move down in my section too.

I would also suggest sorrentinos. Good people over there.

Al Ross FTW