sad annoucement

i’m retiring the bonneville. Yup, pops said my grandpa would have a new jeep by the time i get back so when i do i’ll be driving an 87 blazer sport. sorry todd, i know how you felt about bonne. who knows maybe she’ll re-appear as a jitney somewhere.

hahahaha the picture with the jack that you can’t see… :rofl:

i remember that shit!

noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its a sad day for Pittspeed… a moment of silence

that thing is jacked up? :rofl: looks like it was on hydros

that was the point. best was lou. " hey when you go down the track hit the switches" me-“what switches?”

do you ever buy your own cars or just accept hand me downs from family members?



I cannot not support this decision Cutty

:rofl: thats beautiful! sorry to see it go :frowning:

who want to get in line and kick 77 rednecktruck ass…

so does this mean you support it

you better have a lot of help :mullet:


i bought bonne off my grandma for $300.

you’ll be supporting my nuts with your chin…STFU


so are you saying you like guys to give you :bj:


NO…What I am saying is I am gonna make you my bitch

Central Catholic?

well its not like its going to the crusher but the rear frame rails are like burnt toast. It got me from november 01 till now. I wasn’t easy on it either and the trip to charlotte and back in one day. I had 4 sets of wheels on it too, wire hubcaps, GN wheels, black steelies and of course the spokes.

good cover story, fagmo