So my car is for sale again ha

So how many people on NYSpeed can’t afford a 5k car?

I sold the car for 4500 and now its upto 6000…


LOLOL wow are you kidding me?!

Next Barrett Jackson car auction sherms car will go for $1mil if the price keeps going up like this

lol…am i missing something?

who’s tim?

I sold the car to 9c1ny he sold it to Cory…and the price keeps going up…

I only sold it to Tim for that price because he was going to build it up and keep it…meh

wow that was fast lol

LOL wow

damn, Every car sold on a speed turns into a whore.

lol its all good, we need to get that thing out of Buffalo

I think half the people at mighty/BT shudder when we hear the car…

I want it out of Buffalo people keep calling me and telling me they see my car.

man i’m afraid to go near the car now, i might get aids its been whored so much :smiley:

I think im buying a 2002 White WS6

I cant belive the price has gone from $4k to $5k to $5500 and now to $6k and its still selling! Sherm u should buy it back and sell it for $7k


ken has aidz

I feel better knowing that when the tranny or motor blows up…I didn’t sell it to someone…

Had? He still does…

That is a good point justin, its def off your shoulders now!

oops meant to say has

he got it in toronto last summer :frowning:

ew… i slept near him

everyone is just realizing how much F-Body cars suck.

yea i didnt know what tim bought the car for and now i know…hmmm cool…the only reason im selling it for 6K is because thats how much i borrowed…bought it for 5500 and and took an extra 500 for taxes/reg blah blah blah all that shit…im LITERALLY not making any profit and it seems he made about a grand off me…its not that i cant afford it, i just choose not to have a car that gets terrible mileage and if i choose not to drive it i dont see spending 100+ a month on a car payment + insurance + gas on a car that ill maybe drive once or twice a week…i cant justify that at this time in my life…maybe if i had a career and no other huge obligations i’d keep it…just not what i expected…i dont want people to think im up to shady business…i owe 6, i want 6 and not a penny more…