So my car is for sale again ha

Wait so you thought it would get 40mpg when you bought it?

no i knew the car got shit mileage but considering gas is going to over $4.00 a gallon pretty soon and im only gonna be driving the car a few days a week i dont see how spending $25 on it every day i drive it makes sense? i should have thought about it before i made a snap decision…call me retarded, i dont give a shit anymore…hence why i didnt put it on here because everyone gets in everyone elses shit…and i dont really wanna deal with the hate anymore…the car is most likely going to be sold out of state so no one else is gonna have to gossip about justins old car or the NYSPEED whore as everyone’s been calling it…its a fun car, dont get me wrong…but i just dont see how spending over 200+ a month on gas, insurance and payment can be fun to someone only driving 2-3 days a week…

:word: I got rid of my old Silverado because of gas, loved the truck but didnt use it for any ‘truck’ purposes. I <3 my tC lol

I think you’ve had the car 2 weeks? so 2 gas tanks was enough to make you say WTF! lol can’t say i blame ya. Get a bike, they go fast and get great milage

yeaa i think im gonna hafta agree with ya on that one…willybeen is gonna be so excited to hear this lol

Oroc, should be getting commissions checks by now. Every thread he is trying to get people to buy bikes lol.

ill offer 4,500 for it :slight_smile:

then you still wont have a car :slight_smile:

lol… sell this thing already… :wink:

oh my fuckng god, i laughed out loud. hardily.

What is the big deal about cory selling the car. Who the fuck cares.His financial situation has nothing to do with nyspeed.He made a mistake and before he gets in over his head he is getting rid of it. Nothing wrong with that. glws

Its funny because its a 5000 car not oh woops I spent an extra 20 at the store

His mind was made up after his ticket last night

I’ll take some commission checks! I have a motor to build for my Camaro still, i could use it!! Not everybodys as cool as i am and can own a dumbestic, rice burner & crotch rocket hehe

:word: probably the smart way to do it.

pay2play on the streets son

So how did your ex get it?

werd, i saw that comming, lots of cops patrolling, street racing = bad

Race psphinx b4 u sell it :lol:

First off, yes it is apparently a good move to get out of the debt associated with this car. For alot of reasons. :tup:

Second, it’s pretty damned funny that its been rehased so quickly in such a short period… the incremental price increases to.

Third:I’m not going to bash him too hard… but,

His financial situation has nothing to do with nyspeed.

He made it apparent in the last FS thread that he was getting a loan for a 10 year old summer car.
He took out a loan for more then the market value of the car, and more then the asking price of the car.

He made a mistake and before he gets in over his head he is getting rid of it.

Uhhh, before? He already signed for the loan. :ham:

Oh… and why wasn’t the car listed for sale on NYSpeed, I wonder… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve noticed this as well. this is why I have been thinking lately that it’s probably a good thing I can;t drive my Mustang right now. Besides, getting thumbs up from cops while driving the Jeep > any kind of attention from cops in the Mustang

:picard: at a loan on a $5k car