So my car is for sale again ha

BULLSHIT! Domestics do not get tickets.

good points :tup:

Hindsight is always 20/20 :wink:

Tell that to all the people having their homes foreclosed on because they did the same damned fucknig thing.


i have the money to pay the car off now if i wanted to dont get me wrong…but the more i buy with cash the less credit ill have established…wrong idea to take a loan out on a 10 yr old car for 5K? yea most likely…but, i figured the more credit i can build then the better chance ill have to get approved for a mortgage, newer car yadda yadda yadda…im 21 with a 730 credit score, not too shabby if you ask me…i didnt need a cosigner for the loan on this car and my DD…i figured AT THE TIME, hey why not buy a second car that i can have some fun in at night/weekends…but after the cops were out in full force and are going to CONTINUE to be out all summer i look at it like this…ill MAYBE get the chance to take it to the track once or twice a week…how does someone justify paying for a car they’re barely gonna drive? i could see if i was older…already had a house, career and all that good stuff…i was putting fun before my main priorities (work and school)

First off, yes it is apparently a good move to get out of the debt associated with this car. For alot of reasons. :tup:

Actually I paid you $4600 Justin, I know its a matter of $100 but still…
I changed the window motor ($60) and the oil & filter ($60)

And when I had it listed on here I had it at $5500obo-

Cory never made an offer and just paid me $5500 :gotme:

We never even talked price and that was what he brought a check for…

I would have liked to keep it but I couldnt afford insurance and gas on two fbodies …

So I decided to sell both (I got $6500 for the gold car btw) and take the funds and buy either an already modded car (H/C/I) or a very nice low mileage car…

So yeah the legacy of the white car continues…

read as: bikes are cooler anyway… good move buddy… GLWTS

while I see your logic, and completely agree with most of it, don;t be so down on yourself because you got one ticket. Just because you have a car like that does not mean that every time you pull it out of the garage you have to go and race it. Very seldom do I pound the shit out of my racing it around. Theres nothing wrong with having a car and just cruising in it. As long as you’re not doing anything wrong, then you don;t even have to worry about the cops, really. Yeah, theres gonna be that dick cop that will pull you over for having loud exhaust or some bullshit thing, but hey, thats life. Get an exhaust thats reasonably quiet for cruising and get cutouts for the track. If you only get to the track once or twice a year, then so be it. Theres also nothing wrong with having a little fun on the street every once and a while, like maybe racing a guy off a light or something here and there, but like I said, you dont have to go race your car every time you pull it out of the garage. Nothing wrong with having a nice car that got a couple things done to it to give it a little kick in the pants when you need it, and just cruising and having a good time. If you’re selling the car because you REALLY cannot afford the payments, thats one thing and I totally respect you for admitting you made the wrong decision financially and are trying to get out of it before you get in too deep. If you’re selling it because you are scared of getting in trouble with it and can’t afford tickets, then you’re selling it for the wrong reasons and you need to re-think because getting yourself in trouble and getting yourself hurt are all things you can avoid and have full control over for the most part.

yea im not a fan of the lowball assholes so i figured hey ill give him what he’s asking…thinking ok maybe he paid around 5000 for it…i dont care if you made a few hundo on it thats fine, you prob lost some money anyways with the interest…so why not try to break even…this car just brings so many fucking problems with it…i’d rather own a car and have everyone say oh yea thats cory’s car and not oh yea he’s driving sherm’s old car…i had some nice plans for it over the next year because lets face it the car needed some TLC as far as cleaning up was concerned esp. under the hood…but i guess ill never get to see what the car COULD have been…w/e tho, lesson learned

no i hear you…its just knowing i have that much power can potentially get me in trouble…like i said i have the money to pay the loan off but i kinda would like to save that up for a new car next year and put a big fatty down payment on a car (possible new STI/evo) and i know either way im gonna lose money on the car so why not get out now before something breaks/total the car/etc…and im out thousands and not hundreds of dollars…the cops havent fucked with me yet, thank god, but now that i see how easy it is to get pulled over and i didnt even think i was speeding, just because of the car and the way it looks…the dude was giving me shit about my god damn tires for christs sake “those are for the track and not the street, pal!” its an attention whore and i dont want something, RIGHT NOW, at least thats gonna get me noticed all the time by the 5-0…

Right but he can get rid of it now pay the loan off and call it a day. I imagine it was not posted on nyspeed because of the band wagon butt sex to come about.Or that he knew that after the insane low balls he would get.That no one would pay what he owes on the loan knowing what it sold for in the passed.This place is like craigslist you could blatently say i will take no less then 6 grand.In a hour some asshole will pm you and offer 2 grand cash in hand.

i hate to break it to you, but you will get just as much shit from the cops in an Evo or an STi as you do in an fbody. you can also make both of those cars just as fast if not faster than the fbod, and can get you hurt and/or killed just as easy. I definitely have a ton of respect for you for admitting that the car is a bit much for you to handle right now and is way out of your driving ability…doesnt seem like many people will admit that.

woa woa woa…take it easy…i never once said the car is too much for me to handle or out of my driving ability…trust me, the car ISNT out of my driving ability by any means…ive never been in one accident due to any circumstance and esp. not because i was driving like an asshole…am i the worlds best driver? no, clearly not…but i know what im capable of “handling” and this car isnt something that i cant handle…

i dont want to take on a second payment/insurance payment/gas on another car at this point in time…case closed, thats why im selling the car…plain and simple

edit: and a stock evo/sti might get me looks by a few cops, but a car that sounds like a damn nascar cruising around probably gets more attention than a car with the “racer look” IMO…

LOL i hope not!! Its a stock LS1 !!!

from u

I got pulled over twice in 5 years of racing the car

I didn’t want a long reply about why its just funny its for sale

I wonder what it was that you were doing…

There are dozens of people (and many on this forum), including myslef that have drove loud fucking cars (think straight pipes) around Amherst, ToT, WS, etc… with very, very few problems.

It’s all in how you drive it. If you goose it everywhere you will get looks/attention from the po-po. I haven’t been pulled over in my car in 2 years. When I cruise, I just cruise, maybe 5 above the speed limit if that. The police don’t mess with you if you drive it like your grandma would.


Not even grandma, just sensibly. I’ve launched a car from a stoplight more times then I should of for sure… right upto ~10 over the limit. :wink: