So my car is for sale again ha

my mustang is obnoxiously loud, i’ve gotten a few looks from cops, but usually I am just cruising and am doing nothing wrong, and havent had any problems either. I tend to stray away from Kenmore though…just in case.

Fuck that, TOT & Kenmore own some of the best straights in northtowns!


oh yeah haha some areas of sheridan are just great over there! I dont usually see the Kenmore PD out on Sheridan…I usually stray away from Delaware, Elmwood, Colvin and Kenmore Ave thats where they seem to be on the prowl the most…Delaware Ave is horrible.


yea its all well and good that no one has been pulled over (that much) when they drive their car…i dont wanna take that risk…believe me when i even gradually get on the car with the stall it friggn sounds like the apacolypse…the tranny wont shift into 4th under a certain speed so im cruising around with the exhaust drone and believe me not only do cops look at me funny but so does every other person on the road (but fuck em they cant do anything anyways)…its just not that fun of a car on the street cruising around because it so loud…at the track, its probably the one of the best cars for it…but its the track, not the street…

yea and guess where i have to drive on my way home from pretty much anywhere besides work which is in O.P…delaware,elmwood and sheridan right past the po-lice station…see what im getting at…

lol, don’t ever wind out the bike that you’re getting.

two 2 mufflers and clamps can be had for 75

yea plus all the hangers you got rid of to hang all the shit…even with mufflers under the car its still obnoxious…by the time everything is said and done…straight pipes, mufflers, hangers, custom fab of the piping…easy 450+ for an exhaust…which isnt too bad in the grand scheme of things, but if i was going to take it to the track why wouldnt i just leave it how it is because that apparently makes the most power at the expensive of tollerable noise levels…i didnt buy it strictly for the street…id say 60% of the reason i bought it was to take it to the track and mess around on the street the other time, but now that the cops pretty much have everyone being watched on the 190 theres no point to just drive the car one or two times a week at the track…


Oh, and friendly reminder: You don’t have to justify anything to anyone on here. :slight_smile:


But, but… but! If he doesn’t justify it, he won’t be able to stand with the cool kidz @ mighty.

i specifically watching justin picking his mufflers up that fell off the car on niagara falls blvd.While burning himself in the process.Seriously just everyone let this go already

yea your right i dont…and im done explaining my reasoning…i dont care if people think im a fucking moron for doing it, or wanna talk shit…great!cool, if it makes you guys feel better and your e-cock gets bigger than hey, by all means do what you have to do…i have my reasons, which ive pretty much stated lol…

and yeah the kool kidz and mighty wont let me be in thurr club anymore if i dont splain’ myself…:frowning:

Awww c’mon, I leave work in an hour, and have very little to do.

lets just go back to deep frying and grilling and fucking donna

lol well i can make something up for you i guess? make it like a funny story about how bad the car smells or that theres a hookers hand in the back underneath the seats or something clever lol

hey if we can BBQ, deep fry and fuck donna all at the same time then i say fuck mighty taco all together…nothing is better than all 3 of those things!

Right, I was in stealth mode when the shit hit the fan!

true… all of my cars are loud as a mother f’er and have never had a problem yet knock on wood

a few even told me to throw a few revs and follow up with a “sounds good, be safe”