Saddam Hussein, 1937~2006, Executed

I agree with you. I was merely pointing out the view in which your statement was made. My comment was based purely on that statement and nothing else. The irony in which someone can say that and have such strong religious feelings is more what I was getting at. What would jesus say :stuck_out_tongue: And your right he didn’t kill thousands yet they crucified him anyway…I’m sure people who were willing to kill an innocent man said the same things you said.

Just food for thought is all, not mocking anything.

For what it’s worth, millions have been killed in his name. Does that count? :lol:

did anyone else notice the amount of slack in that rope… he’s got like a 4 ft drop… i’d be suprised if his head didnt come off

and I still think he should have just rot in prison somewhere…

thats what i was thinking when i saw the rope

Someone’s gotta have the full video


wow, talk about shitty video

i don’t know man, i think he should have just been locked up in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. watching that video and shit… even though it was totally a terrible video and hardly graphic at all… it just shows how there is just an absence of humanity in the world. regardless of his or anyone else’s crimes, i dont believe in the death penalty.

if you guys were on the recieving end of his actions, you would feel differently…

Right but with a non-communist dictator, the policy would certainly change.

I agree, it’s all about perspective in this case. George Bush could have tens of thousands of deaths attached to himself if you take a look at it from a different angle.


History is going to look back on this as one fucked up period in time. Pretend this happened a thousand years ago and we’re reading about it in a history book…

“Wait wait wait. Wait. Wait. Country X invaded Country Y, and overthrew their government, but had no intentions of taking over? They just felt that it was their place to decide who ran Country Y and how? What the fuck?”


im not trying to defend anything thats happening now…infact., i do not follow politics much at all. but:

wasnt country x invading country y to try and prevent country y from attacking country x and z?

anyways…i dont want to get involved in this…i hate politics and the war shit

1 less fuckface.

In the afterlife
You could be headed for the serious strife
Now you make the scene all day
But tomorrow there’ll be hell to pay

People listen attentively
I mean about future calamity
I used to think the idea was obsolete
Until I heard the old man stamping his feet.

This is a place where eternally
Fire is applied to the body
Teeth are extruded and bones are ground
Then baked into cakes which are passed around.

Beauty, talent, fame, money, refinement
Top skill and brain
But all the things you try to hide
Will be revealed on the other side.

Now the d and the a and the m
And the n and the a
And the t and the i-o-n
Lose your face, lose your name
Then get fitted for a suit of flame

Anyone wanan see the vid its on googlevideo dont know how long it will be up though

someone that has directed the torture thousands, gassed tens of thousands, and convicted of killing hundreds. Not much of a question here.

sadly, hussein is not the only one though. :frowning:

anywho, money shot:

Someone must have gotten this is HD, no?

no, onyx didnt go