Yep. If he did shit like feed your family feet first into a shredder and made you watch, you would have wished that was far worse for him than it was.
squirrel nut zippers ftw
And thank you!
Aw, I want that as my sig please!!!
Ahhh who gives a shit if he’s dead or not. He didn’t kill any american. Somewhere out there in the cave Bin Laden is :lol: We need to get Bin Laden.
ugh that makes me sick.
It almost makes me feel bad for the guy.
I guess he deserves it though.
I would rather have seen Binladen hanged insted.
that video sucked, there has to be a better one where the camera man actually knows what he is doing
i hope that iraqi’ roll racing is more clearly filmed…
that sucked huge time… they killed a huge figurehead you would think that they would actually make a quality film in a decently lit area… :tdown: to towelhead filming
and i promise you that if the sudi or north korean governments took over america that they would most def hang bush…
soo we are no different, we are just ethnocentric sons of bitches…
then they would feed there “people” mass media saying that bush was behind the killings at the world trade centers and various stupid things that happened during his (bush) “reign”… soo there people would feel ok about killing a figurehead…
this will change nothing
They did. They have an HD version they made that wasnt released yet. This was taken :snky: by someone with a cellphone.
Revenge doesn’t accomplish anything positive.
Very true but it’s secondary value comes from making the victims feel better.
any GOOD vids out yet
i saw on the news how theres an investigation on how this vid was even captured with the high security of it all. they say the hangin made sad dam look “heroic” and the execution look “disorganized” and the US like “idiots”
they can say all tehy want, im happy i saw it, and happy he got what was coming to him
snuck a cell phone in via the anus?? those crazy iraqiis…they’ll do anything! i hope the guy who is arrested now made a lot of $ for the video…
That picture is on my desktop, mother fucker started shit, and i lost 2 years of my life to go take care of his bullshit. May you burn in hell mother fucker.
This thread is fucking pointless.
:word: :gtfo:
Whiny pacifist pussy. Do you want us to hug sadam and tell him it was his fathers fault he gassed thousands, allowed his kids to rape hundreds of teenage and younger girls and killed people just because they lost a soccer game. Get a fuckin clue.