"SAFE" Act arrest in New Lebanon

“the media” only works for people that want to believe in it. And I dont know about you, but I dont believe shit untill I can reach out and touch it.

If this cocksucker state wants to actually prove something try this on for size.

Launch a website:

-Post the act for all to read

-Post EVERY arrest made due to the act for all to read

-Post every CONVICTION made from said arrest. Be sure to include duration it took to find the verdict. The COST to make the arrest and find said verdict. The fine amount. And most importantly the SENTENCE. (because you know damn well it will be reduced from the letter of the act)

That is so fucking simple. Its public knowledge anyway, this just makes it easy to find and keep track of. If you stand behind your decisions CUOMO, PROVE IT. Dont hide it behind miles of bullshit legal mumbojumbo, and convoluted publications.

i can’t think of who has it for their sig but times like this i am reminded of the quote, “liberals can suck my fucking cock, all of you”
-i forgot who said it and i’m not entirely sure that its 100% accurate, but it was something like that

when was the last time you worried about a rocket or mortar round hitting your house? that is how israel and the us are different.

as far as confiscation: watch this video, about 15 seconds in you’ll here a soundbite, idgaf if sweden or israel isn’t attempting to confiscate their citizens weapons. It is my right as a living person to defend my life, firearms aren’t a toy or a hobby, they are tools, keeping rounds at a range and that being the only place you can use them is stupid IMO. thats like saying you can own a vehicle but can only operate it on a closed track.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MurRvcydlqQ”]No One is Coming for your Guns!!! - YouTube[/ame]

this is real easy and is in no way a far fetched way to think of this.

Putting my name next to a list of guns I own into the hands of anyone else is one step closer to them possibly acting against me, its one more card they can play that I cant. Weither its confication, telling me I cant own 10 but I can own 5, telling me I can only fire them on Mondays after 10AM, or any other restriction they want to put in place on down the road relies on using that registry.

If they want to play that card, good for them I didnt give them the card to play, so it doesnt bother me.

I am aware of the laws in place NOW for my safe firearm useage, I will follow them, weither I am on or off some registry that wont change how I use them. Force the registry against me, now that might actually change how I use them.

Did anyone know there was a private registry list? Heard about this morning on the news, didn’t the whole thing but I think today was the cutoff to turn in a waiver to not be put on the public registry.

no idea about that. but this is the big bad boy NYS is hoping everyone signs into by next winter:


thats also the DNS name that the application I was talking about is housed.

I don’t even own a gun (yet?) and I think most gun laws are absolutely ridiculous.

Like Tyrone is really going to obey the clip count law in his illegal guns as he busts into Jamal’s crib in the hood and busts a cap in his ass because he fucked his hoe.

Private or not, it doesn’t matter. The private lists only apply to the public. If the police or government want to see the private list they will.

Fuck the background checks all together. They don’t stop anybody.

Might as well let a criminal buy a guy from a gun store, as he’s going to get it regardless.

he said nothing about background checks. lol.

Not they are fine, and I agree they should be done. Private sales should be checked too IMO. If it wasnt for this assult weapon rebranding bullshit I would agree that every day private sales should go through a nic’s check of sorts. I mean if the seller or buyer has nothing to hide its just one more step to prove you are an honest guy owner/buyer.

Whats bullshit are the illegal guns being siezed in busts and the perp gets a slap on the wrist. If the law says 10 year for having an illegal weapon, give them 10 damn years, not 1 year and out in 4 months.

No, background checks are bullshit and are infringing on the freedoms.

At first you allow them to “ok” your purchase, next thing you know, they are denying everybody and taking your guns.

That’s paraphrasing the discussions that happens recently when the castrated gun bill got shut down.

ANY law that can stop somebody from purchasing or make the rest jump through an extra hoop is anti second amendment and unamerican. Period.

Background checks are ok. They keep guns out of the hands of some people who arent necessarily criminals but are people that shouldnt have guns

I said most of the gun laws, not all.

The round/clip law is just stupid. Like it matters if you have 10 rounds in one clip or 5 rounds in two clips if youre going to shoot something/somebody up. Responsible legit gun owners arent going out causing trouble with their guns/rounds, most are either shooting targets or game.

he also had a 13rd mag along with his IPOW… clearly a moron and not a responsible gun owner.

I agree that the new laws are retarded but the loud voice of gun owners is that laws don’t work… I don’t agree with that and neither do they once you start asking questions.

Without actually training and testing gun owners, there is NO WAY to tell who is responsible and who’s an idiot who was handed a gun. Idiots get discovered once its too late and typically somebody else suffers the consequences, at the same time the idiot gives the rest of gun owners a bad name.

How are gun owners ok with this? Responsible owners will never have piece and will never stop being attacked if they don’t differentiate themselves.

I know getting a pistol permit requires taking a course so maybe getting any gun should require a permit and course. A pistol permit even requires some sort of character evaluation by 3 different people. My brother was going to get a permit but got lazy and let it go too long and would have to do it all over again (theres a time frame).

Responsible gun owners shouldnt take issue with taking a course and getting a permit.

Well…No. The people pushing for these new laws are all claiming that it is to get the guns out of the hands of criminals. They are saying these ‘common sense’ laws will get illegal guns off the streets.

In that frame, gun control laws don’t work. By definition criminals don’t care about laws and willingly break them. So no, gun control laws WON’T achieve the (public) goals these people have.

Now, if they were advocating for less accidental gun deaths and more educated gun owners the rest of your post would make sense. But they aren’t.

EDIT: NYS Sheriffs just released an amicus curiae brief against the SAFE act. On pages 21 and 22 they bring up the fact that gun control laws don’t work, since only law abiding citizens obey laws. Sheriffs SAFE Amicus | PDF | Intermediate Scrutiny | Assault Weapon

Once again the mantra of “gun laws don’t work because criminals don’t follow them”…

So lets

Get rid of background checks entirely, class 3 requirement for full auto, pistol permits, explosives limitations etc. They only affecting law abiding citizens who weren’t going to commit crimes and do nothing to curb violence or stop criminals.

Drug laws and enforcement clearly don’t stop criminals from getting drugs so why do we even bother?

Good question. In your opinion, how is the war on drugs going? Are we winning? Are we losing? Are people able to easily get illegal drugs on the street?

badddd example to use to support your argument, because this one can easily be debated.

Honestly, I’m of the opinion that the 7 vs 10 round distinction is asinine, but there’s no reason for a civilian to own a 30 rd magazine. Also, instead of making additional laws, why not put more effort into better enforcing the ones we have?

If you get bounced on the background check for having a criminal record, there should probably be consequences beyond just not getting a firearm (especially since I’m pretty sure you need to commit perjury for that to happen).

I also have no real issue with a registry to be honest. Handguns require registration, and I don’t see everyone bitching about that. The 3000lbs of high speed death that we all drive every day requires registration.

There’s gotta be some middle ground between “no guns for anybody” and “complete anarchy”

30 round magazines are no more deadly than 10 round magazines. If you think they are you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. There are people out there that can rip off three ten rounders faster than you can rip off a single 30.

Plenty of people have a problem with a pistol registry actually. The process to get your permit is bullshit as well. There is no reason it should take as long as it does.

Why would a lack of gun laws equate to anarchy? That’s stupid. I’m not saying eliminate all gun laws or anything but I really don’t like the way you said that at all.

Finally, what happens when all of these laws go through and stick and then ten years down the road another sandy hook happens, or colorado happens? Then it will just go further, and further, and it will never prevent the problem.