"SAFE" Act arrest in New Lebanon

Never said 30 rounders were any more or less deadly than a 10 or even a 5 rounder. A gun is just a tool, designed to project small bits of metal at high speeds in the direction its pointed, and barring gross negligence in maintenance will not project said bit of metal unless initiated by a user. A “safe, responsible, well-adjusted person of sound mental state” could have all sorts of potentially deadly things without harming society as a whole.

Someone who does not possess those traits could be a genuine problem, and arguably should not be allowed to own a firearm. See: Sandy Hook and Aurora shootings - people that are fucking crazy, acquired firearms, and used them on a bunch of innocent people. It stands to reason that it would be beneficial to establish this before the person gets a gun.

I referred to a lack of gun laws as “anarchy” because saying “everyone just does whatever they want” sounded stupid. I didn’t mean it in the sense of full on societal anarchy, I meant it in the very literal sense of “anyone can buy anything, no waiting periods, no background checks, no restrictions”. No gun laws. Which is basically what I’ve gathered from the people I’ve removed from clogging my facebook feed.

I’m always genuinely interest in hearing this side of things:

If you had the opportunity to wipe the slate clean, what gun laws would you keep?

Side note, only two paragraphs short of a KK wall-o-text!

The background checks naturally have to be there, and thats fine. Its not so much there for taking action, its more of a deturance. Jose in and outa jail every year knows he cant get a gun over the counter becasue he would fail the check. So he gets an illegal one down the road, or steals one. Risk #1 for him. Then if hes caught with it, he is breaking another law, crim pos of a weapon. Risk #2 for him.

What is good about that, is simple. If the cops do their jobs, and the judges arent pussys, Jose is straight fucked. 2 counts of a felony, off the top of my head thats min 10 years. Hes off the street for 10 years, 10 years hes not breaking into your house, robbing you on a street, or worse.

As you can see it has very little to do with the concept of sitting at a computer screen at and FFL for 4 minutes as you enter your name, ssn, and click a bunch of No’s.

What ALL of this gun law stuff boils down to is having a just punishment on paper, and infrastructure behind it to up hold it, and last but not least (actually most important) a judicial system that stands behind it and doesnt let shit slide or lessen the penalties. ANNNND a jail system that isnt a picknic in the park, that costs way too much to keep an inmate, and lets them get out early 9 times out of 10.

This country and its lawmakers and people of power need to start working backwards, to put in place a means to actually make a legit difference. Complete what I said above, starting with the jails, and ending with the background check… you will see what I mean.

It’s going about as good as it realistically can in the circumstances as far as hard drugs are concerned.

Beer/weed/cigarettes are another story.

According to the law, weed is a hard drug. It is just as bad as crack, heroin, and cocaine (according to the law).

I should have been more specific in my earlier post. Gun laws banning guns or limiting rounds won’t work. I am all for the background checks for private sales (but not in the way it is currently implemented, where the gun stores are forced to carry most of the financial burden for zero gain), increasing the penalties, and keeping guns away from the mentally ill (again, in this case the way the current law implements it is terrible; it lets people who have little to no training in mental health diagnosis make the decisions). I would support a law that required gun safety to be taught in schools.

Anti-gunners are pointing to guns and saying “That is your problem!” It is not; the problem are the criminals. Take a look at alcohol and drunk driving laws. The law doesn’t make alcohol illegal. The law makers knew that would never work (hell, they tried it in the 20s). Instead the law makes abusing alcohol and putting the safety of others at risk a serious crime and puts in place a logical way to determine when someone is putting others at risk through alcohol abuse.


Drunk driving is a terrible example.

There is no point in making alcohol illegal cause you can punish individual people for their actions.

Drunk driving laws allow to punish the one neglegent person and make him take responsibility for his own actions. NOBODY bats an eye when somebody you know gets a DWI, fuck some people call cops on their friends when they drive even though others try to stop them.

However it’s impossible to implement anything on one single negligible irresponsible gun owner due to the “rights to bear arms yarrrr”. All the stories of people leaving loaded guns within childrens reach with no safety, or accidental discharges killing people are here to stay. There is no way to report somebody for having a loaded rifle just laying around in a frat house full of drunk people. They can’t take his “gun license” away and punish just that one person.

Anti gunners are mad at the idiots having guns and doing stupid thing with them. If there were no stupid mistakes made with guns by stupid people, that would cut half the drama off the issue off.

So if there is no education on proper firearm handling and self policing within firearm community, anti gunners have no choice but to make a policy on the entire population every time an idiot kills somebody or leaves a loaded gun with kids that end up shooting others.

see bold

And take a look at how many drunk driving incidents hit the air waves every day now a days. Forget the concept that its easier to get information to people with the internet and smart phone crap… we had that 10 years ago too, and I can full on say in my opinion I see WAY more drunk driving accidents, arrests and deaths happening now than I did 10 years ago.

With that being said, they are FAILING at controlling that aspect in society and its not making me feel safer as a citizen.

To prove that, all I need to do is show a hand full of these examples: Joe DrunkDick was arrested today after hopping a curb and hitting a house while intoxicated. He was also charged with open container, driving without a license and its his 4th DWI. That guy clearly doesnt give a shit about the law, the repercussions or anyone else’s safety, probably including his own.

WHY? Because that scumbag got a slap on the wrist the first time, probably the second and maybe he got a little more jail time the 3rd, so whats going to be different the 4th time around??? He thinks probably NOTHING.

The KK 2 strike rule should be in place. Fuck up once, maybe it was a mistake, if it didnt hurt anyone other than yourself you get a strike and a second chance. (But if you kill someone or something like that your fucked too bad) Now its up to you to prove you learned from your mistake. Happens a 2nd time, GTFO and you get the book thrown at you and max penalty is served… ESPECIALLY if you hurt or harmed someone other than yourself. None of this kiddy shit bullshit law says 5-10yrs, here is 1-3… see ya outside the gates in 6 month nonsense.

Same with the gun laws, put some level of self respect and ability to prove your responsibility back on the peoples shoulders. For those who disregard what they are given, walk a straight line to a good old fashion ass fucking from the law.

Referring to the dozens of different main stream media companies with their own agendas which typically oppose each other as “the media” is the same as referring to all gun owners as “the gun owner” when discussing the matter.

Same goes for “the government”.

If “the media” didn’t talk about the shootings in Chicago, how exactly did you get that information? First hand witness?

A very strong argument on the internet is that “gun laws don’t work”. It doesn’t some some don’t work, or bad laws don’t work, it just says “laws don’t work” which is an idiotic argument. I can bring up dozen of examples from Shift alone from that being said.

COLUMBIA COUNTY - The Columbia County District Attorney is making good on a promise not to prosecute a man arrested under the SAFE Act.

DA Paul Czajka told NewsChannel 13 he would not prosecute Gregory Dean Jr.

Dean was pulled over earlier this month after police say the light over his license plate was out.

Police say he also had a gun in his car.

While they say it was possessed legally, it had nine rounds of ammunition, which exceeds the state’s new limit of seven rounds.

NewsChannel 13’s Dan Levy was in court for the decision.

Source: WNYT

I kinda want to see this get get prosecuted just because he’s such a fuckup.

It was thrown out

Are you dumb? You JUST explained it. The main stream media (that a LARGE majority of the nation watches) didn’t report it, but like you said, that isn’t all the media. There are local channels, local papers, hell, people that live in Chicago and post about it on the internet. I thought this was common sense, so I didn’t specify.

You’re arguing about my wording. If you don’t have an argument that is actually on topic stop posting.

How’s he such a fuckup? Driving on a suspended license, yes, that’s stupid. And not replacing a license plate light bulb can be stupid (it’s not something anyone regularly checks). But to say he’s a fuckup for that? A bit extreme.

yeah forget the suspended lic and light bulb… this is about gun laws.

As much as I am all for letter of the law and making penalties stick as they are written… I believe that for laws that are well thoughtout and justified. 2 extra bullets in a gun that wasnt even fired that wasnt illegal until this winter and out of the blue its changed so now hes fucked by the law change is bullshit. What if the dude was in a coma for the last 6 months, just came out and was on his way home from the hospital!? lol Maybe he didnt know it was changed while he was a sleep


I don’t know why everyone is pretending this guys satan for driving around with a gun on a seat…whats so wrong with that? Sounds like quick easy access to me in a secure environment…a locked, moving car.

We need a national purge

Think about how ridiculous this is. They make a lower bullet limit in a magazine in an attempt (directly from their mouth) to lower the amount of bullets a criminal could use to kill someone…but they knew when they made that law that there were for the most part 10 round magazines, so they allowed the 10 round magazines, but said you can only carry 7 rounds knowing full well a criminal who is planning on killing someone, wouldn’t give two shit about a misdemeanor round capacity charge when preparing or acting on A felony charges.