Safe Buying/Selling - Don't Get Scammed!

In light of recent events I have chosen to compile a list of notes that should be kept in mind while purchasing items and cars off SON or any other website for that matter. So that you don’t get scammed.

1. Don’t pay online unless you HAVE to, in that case go through eBay or another merchant to make sure you’re well protected.

2. Get the sellers phone number incase something goes wrong.

3. Try to push to meet at their house. Just incase something goes wrong, you have their address.

4. Write up a contract with terms of sale with both First and Last names, address of seller, phone numbers, etc. When seller signs check their drivers licences to make sure the signature is proper.

5. Tell them you don’t like to be messed with! In the end if you are screwed over there will be more problems to deal with other than trying to get your item or money back. So to avoid ANY issues just make sure it goes smoothly.

6. Record the sellers license plate #.

7. Don’t accept personal (uncertified) cheques.

8. If you don’t feel safe meeting at their house or yours, meet at a public place, i.e; Tim Hortons, McDonalds, etc…

9. If you havn’t met the person and you don’t feel safe, bring a friend or someone else just incase.

10. A heavy blunt object in your trunk is never a bad idea, just incase things get hairy.

11. Check their iTrader rating, and if needed contact their previous buyers/sellers to get insight on the member.

12. Check the forums, see if they seem like a good character or someone who seems a bit malicious.

13. If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.



Obvious one; Check their itrader, thats why its there.

LOL BEST THREAD EVER! can you still get tickets to 2010 Canadian International AutoShow??


but i high rating doesnt mean they are reliable, it just means that they completed the transaction.

Thats why there is a comment section.

Another thing to add is this…if the seller asks you to meet them at an abandoned/unoccupied house, beware.

I was once looking to buy a car and a seller asked me to meet him in front of a house that was not yet owned by anyone. When I got there and he wasn’t there, I called and he said that he’d be at the house in 2 mins because he lived around the corner.

Immediately raised a red flag and car was sketchy.

^ That’s ridiculous

Kijiji stories… don’t get me started lol

i know when im selling stuff i dont want people coming to my house. i have had people come back and try to steal things after they know what i have at my house.

same. i always meet at a tim’s or something unless i know them and trust them prior.

Yeah, i vouche for rule #8.
It’s a good way of avoiding problems like that, and you got people around you. Gas stations are okay too.

just ask to meet a police station if your skurd

^^^ dont buy motors that are half taken apart, and told runs mint !!!


Thats a given, for both of us. ( not you )

  1. If a deal sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

lol, i have actually taken a blunt object to every deal i’ve had.

3ft, stainless steel breaker bar, if cops ask, i say its for my wheels. lol