safety is over rated.

atleast he has a strong I beam in his garage. :uhh:


lol thats great

I see jack stands. :gotme:

i fail

how can you miss the jackstands. RED. it was more or less just funny.

i have no idea how i missed them. I fail at life today.

not really seeing a problem with the jackstands there too :gotme:


Either way its a ARB bumper if it is properly welded to the frame it is a suitable lift point.

I dont get it??? Whats wrong with this?

this thread is tanking, hard.

ARB bumpers are stronger than the frame, there is 8 bolts connecting it to the frame/subframe… no really, I dont see the problem

just not how one would hold a vehicle in a garage. yes, ARB bumpers are strong enough, i just thought it was funny.

BTDT…It was a Rabbit, but I don’t have a huge I beam either. Did that with my boat too when I needed to fix the centerboard cable