Saigon Bangkok burned down?! OPEN AGAIN!!!

Jesus, how many local Asian joints are going to burn down in the year. Changs on Maple went up in flames within the last 12 months as well.

anyone talk to Phat about it yet?

ugh terrible news. I love that place I gurdd i will have to get out to the maple location sooner than later. Im sorry that this happened.

i talked to him today, i’m sure when he feels like it he’ll add, but yes its confirmed :frowning:

GTFO!!! R u Serious?! We had the same shit happen to our place, luckily it was in the moms rig, not the restaurant. (or r u fuckin with us!?)

it says that in the news story

I’m soooo upset. They were the best Thai place in Buffalo hands down. I’ll have to go to the location on Transit now…

Damn, that sucks. I just drove by there and saw his car out front.

I prefer Saigon Cafe on Elmwood (not affiliated with their restaurant), but only because I like the location much more than the blvd.

Hopefully it’s salvageable

Awwww i wanted to have another gay date with you too :frowning:

We can go on a gay-fggt date right now. Just meet me at Fahertys.

Thanks guys for all your condolences ! It’s true about the fire. I got a called last night at about 2AM and thought it was an April fool joke, but when I arrived and seeing all the fire trucks there; I knew it’s real. The damaged was mostly in the back where the storage room is. The fire didn’t cause much damages to the place. The kitchen and dinning room are fine. Fire fighters were the one that caused the most damage to the place. If they didn’t knocked down the hood/air pickup system then we can clean up pretty fast and be back in business like in 2 weeks. But now it seems that it will takes longer than that. The cause was the dry hot kitchen rags that the employee took out before going home. It some how slowly caught on fire. We will try to get everything cleaned up, replaced some equipments and get back in business. Estimated around 2 to 3 months.

What really sux is that we just bought the property. We used to just rent the place. During the take over…only minimum insurance for the place and is looking to buy more property insurance. Hopefully we don’t pay out of the pocket much to fixed up the place.

^sorry to hear… :frowning: glad everybody was ok

Well its better that the firefights stopped everything from burning than saying well it looks like its out.

Sorry to hear man, any chance when you rebuild you will expand the building at all? The place is always jammed fri-sun anyways :tup:

We were planning to open up a patio on the side of the building where the grass is. But we’ll see how’s everything goes then decided. We just remodeled the restrooms and was about to painted the dinning room this week. Oh Well hope everything will turns out ok.

Yup! There were about 30+ fire fighters were there last night. They blocked off the BLVD for a while. From look of the outside…you can’t tell that the place was burned.

Phat glad to hear that the damage wasn’t that extensive. Does your dad still keep that reef tank in the storage room?

Wifey goes there with her Thai friend and really likes it alot.Good luck getting it all back together!Almost had a similar fire at the pizzeria last year.we were still there and smelled something burning

Remembered the October storm? The whole tank was wiped out due to no electricity.

Oh God, that’s horrible :frowning: Tommi brought me back there a few times to look at it… it was awesome!

And it always seems that the firefighters do tons of damage, doesn’t it? :frowning:

I will be there opening day to support you again, but in the meantime… Tommi opened up his store right around the corner from my apartment! Hopefully the funds from that store help any overages for yours! :smiley: