Pho Noodle

Aight so I am moving back to Buffalo in about three weeks(yay) and one thing I NEED to know is where I can get good Pho in the North Buffalo area. I have been spoiled living around the corner from the Asian district in Seattle I can walk to Pho noodle restaurants and have a selection of like 20 different types. Anyhow I eat this stuff 2-3 times a week and NEED it. HALP!
For reference:

man ur a fgt

nah really though, saigon is the only place I know. I wonder if any of the bubble tea places around here have it?

Are you vietnamese? Pho 99 on Bailey near Winspear which isn’t really North Buffalo but it’s good there

I don’t think any Pho in Buffalo will come even close to those in Seattle area. Seattle has a much larger Viet ppopulation than Buffalo therefore has better Pho than Buffalo. You can try Pho 99 on Bailey and try Saigon Bangkok on the BLVD and see which one is better.

My girlfriend’s cousin said we needed to try saigon, and they are both Vietnamese. There is a large population of vietnamese in Rochester, and a couple good places to get it there. The best place I know of is my girlfriend’s parents house or her aunt’s house, but those aren’t exactly open to the public. If you get to binghamton, I can recommend some places. We also checked out the two places in Syracuse, which aren’t bad.

And I LOVE Pho as well, among other dishes. We eat it 1-2 days a week here.

in Buffalo area, my Vietnamese friend gave Pho 99’s broth 9/10 score.

that looks, so fucking good.
Count me in, srs.

I am srsly not joking when I say I eat it 2-3 times a week and Vietnamese in general prob 5-7 times a week. The entire “china town” (i dont know what to call it) area is three blocks from me. The food is all generally healthy, cheap, and delicious. The pho place around the corner will put in whatever I ask for hahaha I get like 5 different meats sometimes. Whoever asked if I was Vietnamese naw im a large Irish guy who just can’t get enough pho.

Best pho related convo ever

Howie See (9:47:13 PM): You’re a pho-phaggot
Howie See (9:47:19 PM): i’m going to sleep
Howie See (9:47:20 PM): peas
ablake11 (9:47:26 PM): LOL
ablake11 (9:47:33 PM): night sweetie

Love the peas out haha

good luck getting any kind of food like that in b-lo


lol @ howie

LOL @ glitch

In Rochester, check out SEA Cuisine on Monroe.

good luck, sushi took awhile to even become available here

Drew hit me up when you get back there are a couple places :slight_smile:

I didn’t read the thread but Red Pepper?

Not sure why people are saying good luck finding it in Buffalo. I can think of 3 places within a mile of my house:

Saigon Bangkok on the boulevard, Jasmine’s on the boulevard, and Zong’s right on the money with Red Pepper on Maple (my favorite).

or you can just go to Zong’s house…i kid i kid

I think he’s chinese anyways, not vietnamese

they’re all the same.