Saigon Bangkok burned down?! OPEN AGAIN!!!


i know that some of you guys run or are involved with running it - whats the dealio??

A fire apparently sparked by the spontaneous combustion of hot rags that had just come out of the dryer caused extensive damage to a Niagara Falls Boulevard restaurant in the Town of Tonawanda early today

ZphatZ and Tommyboi own that place…

lol yea, i saw that - sounds… odd?

anyway, if you decide to move (i know you opened or are working on opening a transit location), come to delaware rd. in kenmore village :tup:

WHAT :frowning: crap…

I’d like to point out that I reported this in the isomniacs roll call thread last night.


But really, I live right by there and we had firetrucks flying down Harrison like crazy, I woke up cuz my car alarm went off and decided to drive by.

They had the whole blvd blocked off and it was smoking like crazy

All around 1:45am

Really shitty though, never ate there but I know some members owned it, I’m sorry for any losses from last night

easily my fav restaurant in buffalo, if i go out to eat 50% of the time i end up there

well i searched and maybe if you didn’t call it saigon buffet it would have come up! :stuck_out_tongue:


Damn man… :frowning:

That sucks Pat :frowning: Best of Luck.


Sucks, you never like to hear about this type of thing :frowning:

Hope they had some good insurance.

OMG!! Tom and Pat I hope everything is okay and no one was hurt.

The owner had a sick salt water tank in the back, prob worth more than some of the cars on the board. I hope it wasn’t damaged as well.

boiled fish anyone?


Well there is still the Saigon Bangkok location at Maple and Transit.

Never been there, but have met Phat a few times, good guy…sucks to hear. Hopefully insurance is cool and everything gets taken care of quickly, and you’re up and running again soon!


is this like a chain place, or did Phat privately start/own/operate both local locations?

I use to work there in college and it’s not a chain. Family owned and operated, not sure about the new location though.

Sucks to hear.

But there are some properties in Kenmore that have opened up. We welcome new business :slight_smile:

Tommiboi owns the one on transit. Same family

nooooooooooooooooooo Pat was magnificent when he let Mike and I detail his car for the one show.