Sarah Palin?

this is an interesting ticket. has a good track record she seems to get stuff done.

caught me offgaurd that she was picked for running mate


would fuck. repeatedly. looks like a hotter Lorraine Bracco. Came in 2nd place in the 1984 Miss Alaska competition.

bracco, your fucking retarded.


you’re fucking retarded, like Sarah Palin’s kid.

incest is the best

only when it’s not consensual.


come up! i’m not driving to the boonies!

Pizza was good :yum:

if you were an ice cream flavor, you’d be Pralines and Dick.

if i was from the dirty south that could be true

why not,u get 35mpg:op:



fuck that bicth…she is for the pebble mining…which could kill the entire…katmi watershed…

she has allready ruined thousands of acers of alaska’s wilderness…

She’s hot and she cuts taxes, that much about her I like.

Well as it turns out this will be a history election either way. Black pres or woman VP, either way it’s going to make history. My bet is woman VP. She is likely to swing at least a small percentage of the the feminists who are pissed Hilary out, and I’m sure plenty of guys will vote for her just because she’s a good looking broad.

I’d do her one older daughter