Sasha and Chris St.John

your both in the new PAS mag. pg 99-101 from the cscs event at grand bend. its nothing huge but my boss handed a copy to me and i saw it, thought it was cool. anyways gj



anyone have a scanner and a fax machine? cause i dont have one.


I do.

Fax it to 905 624 3585. Let me know when you do it and I should be able to have it up soon.

comming right now phil.


Dammit, it won’t let me upload them because they are PDFs…

I can email them to someone else to upload…

e-mail them to

Email sent.

Where abouts is it???

send it to me and ill have it up within minutes.

Here they are, sorry i had to resize they were huge (still are)and the scans are choppy :frowning:

opps…forgot to play with the tone settings…meh go buy it. you get to see a blown up civic and a nice hatchi.


or just subscribe. its dirt cheap and great toilet material.

i didnt see chris? wheres chris, ill call him… hell get a kick out of it

his name was mentioned, but no pics

sasha’s car is in there though

thats cool, thanks for posting that up guys!

you really went to a lot of trouble eh haha i appreciate it

It wasn’t the scans that were bad, the fax I got was pretty hard to read.

we’re all in the new issue of performance in motion, i did a 2 page feature on the niagara meet :slight_smile:

i’ll post a pic of it later on.

where can you get a performance in motion???

I’ll bring a bunch to the oct. 22 meet :slight_smile:

either that or call performance improvements and ask to be put on the mailing list. It’s free to any customers.