satllite radio?

that under the cowl idea is pretty good, now i just got to figure out how to get it there

Yeah, it’s strange. Inside Pittsburgh from tunnel to tunnel reception is great. Past the tunnels it gets spotty in places, but even my regular radio reception is the same (antenna broke off in a car wash last year and I never feel like fixing something that stupid). Maybe it’s just me, but it seems to be getting better lately. I went with the life time deal, $500 and you can transfer to another radio for $75 - which is kind of a rip, so I don’t know if I would recommend going that way.

I do have a strange problem though, sometimes my disc changer is only playing on mono, not stereo. If I reset the head unit it works fine in stero again. Any ideas? It’s not been a huge deal since between Sirius and mp3’s I don’t listen to the changer that much.

dremel and snips :smiley:

how about reception around the airport and ohio river blvd?

do i get to use ducktape too? :mullet:

Not sure, haven’t been out that way.

i got the sirius starmate and i friggin love it! :mullet:

I have sirius I broke my first antenna so I just use the one for my car everywhere.It works at my job inside a block building with few windows.I just aim for the window.

dumb question, but you aim it by aiming the top flat towards the location? i started losing signal a littlebit ago and it came on when i was moving it around… and it’s like sitting sideways and not quite aimed right, but it’s working soo i’m not touching it… and at this i’m even getting some slight terrestrial signal which i didnt expect odd…

snoop dogg is taking over for xm’s rap station .
might have to get xm now :doh:

it will be cheaper to go out and buy his CD’s instead

I have sirius and love it

as the producer for all old school rap :bash:

what the hell is up with the commericals on laugh break?? i was driving this morning enjoying content without commerical and all of the friggin sudden i got bombarded with debt consolidation loan commericals :mad: :rant:

what all other channels got commercials on them??

… xm and sirus are really damn tricky, with all there 100% commercial free music ads, i didn’t expect they would put commericals in for there non-music channels :rant: