Saving money, cutting costs

lmao. sorry if you think i am off topic. i wanted to respond to lov4bosst.

and seriously bro i think. i probally have more time to think than you do

love4boost said money can fix just about anything. i think before o said money cant buy happiness for long term… heres something i posted

“In 2007, a paper published in the Journal of Academic Psychology asked why achieving major life goals, including winning the lottery, or the more basic goal of getting married, doesn’t wind up making us as happy as we expect. As the 1978 student showed, a big positive event like a lottery win can impact happiness, but its effects diminish over time Why? Because while a lottery win can make a difference, it won’t affect the other conditions of your life, like who your siblings or parents are or your basic disposition”

that gets back to my money only buys short term happiness.