Saving money, cutting costs

only read a small amount of that link and will tell you this… #1 spending all your money means you didnt have ENOUGH… MONEY makes you happy, thats the arguemnent right? So how does it make sense to say they werent happy when they didnt have an unlimited supply? Going bankrupt means you have no money and if you have no money this argument doesnt exsist?

#2 my opinion is based level headed indivduals who dont have mental issues and have a very small amount of accounting skills… Leaving half a million dollars in your unlocked car outside a strip club is retarded lolol… And people spending 10’s of millions without a plan lacked common sense.

I never said having or not having money was full proof, people die, car gets stolen, your favorite chinese food restaraunt shuts down makes you sad and you will be sad regaurdless if you have money or not, but like vlad said, if money didnt make people happy, people wouldnt work until 60 years old saving there retirement, theyd ball hard as fuck and then force the government to take care of them in some non profit nursing home that doesnt have tv bc they cant afford it when they ran out.

Argue all you want, MONEY makes you happier then not having money in any and every way imaginable.