Saw Omen last night

Good movie…

the theare looked like a myspace gathering and was quite annoying, but the movie was awesome

I think we’re gonna go see it tonight. Had to convince Dom though, he complains I only want to see horror movies.:finger2:

bc you do :blanyer: I could name off the last 10 movies we saw and 8 of them would be horror.

go see whore movies then :naughty:

I though it sucked, If you want to see it, rent the original on VHS and save yourself $15.00

I liked it a lot. Thought they did a damn good job on it.

I thought you liked myspace?

Looooove it.

i’m not even going to bother seeing it.

Saw it with marge last night, wasnt bad, few parts of the story were lacking in content, but it was pretty cool. Ending pissed me off.

Well duh, they have to be able to make like 10 sequels. :slap: