Say goodbye to the "lot"

a local member is tryin to get his own spot but it is goin to take a while

An auto themed cafe would be awesome. Like Sonic maybe, but with better food. :lol

If just one happens to drive by and see a crowd of cars theyre gonna know whats up. Route 5 is the way to Amsterdam so Im pretty sure there will be some driving by.
15 of them live in a one bedroom apartment so Im pretty sure theres room for them.

Youre thinking WAYYY too much about this. Its hard to se when you drive by, its dark, and not too many roll through Scotia. IF it does happen, well, then we’ll deal with it. Stop being so damn negative man!!

Im just saying Id rather not go to Scotia.
Its dark, not much parking and theres man eating craters in the old McD’s parking lot.

Yep, unfortunately nobody is taking up the idea. Friday and Saturday nights would be packed at this place, go ahead, ask me how I know :ponder

Eat inside and watch some SpeedTV, go outside to a calm and controlled parking lot, with bikes allowed.

Ah well, dream on.

lets just see what happens aight ,no sense in gettin all worked up now knowin nuttin is gonna happen "mostly cause the badassess of the lot are gone for a while"lololol lets get it together avoid it for a few weeks and see what happens

Well im about done wasting time typing in this thread. Ya’ll know where ill be. If ya wanna swing by, cool, if not, no skin off my back.

we had one out west. Grand Prix Cafe. it was pretty dope.

Maybe once we get our cars running again we can go for cruises at night. I was talking to a neighbor and he mentioned doing that on weekends instead of just heading to the lot. We could end up at the lot later but maybe drive our cars for a bit instead of parking them all night.
Maybe cruise up to Saratoga and back down route 9 or something.

Sure coming from a guy like me without a running car that probably doesnt mean much and like mentioned here putting together a cruise on this site is a clusterfuck joke but its just a suggestion.

I think I might do it with my neighbor and a bunch of other guys.

adam ill be there maybe then well see what 94 does it better on the streets

So obviously a successful business venture.

I know there are spots in SoCal too and I’m sure plenty of others throughout the SouthWest where the weather helps.

a new buisnness venture vlad …:ponder

We know the answer to that one!! :evilking

i know just startin shit ill be better off than i am now …

yea the cars and coffee thing works, only problem its all day time stuff. no one hangs out during the day here, because as well all know when the sun goes down, the bad comes out.

I wish.

I can brainstorm it all I want, but at the end of the day money has the final word and I have none.

ahhh ok ,so you are just like us lolol

Cars and coffee ftw, as long as there is a bathroom nearby. Everytime I drink coffee my ass turns into Hiroshima

hmmmmm m not what i wanted to think about but interesting none the less