Say goodbye to the "lot"

It does get everybody going and then it cools down and we go back to where weve been going forever anyway so what does it really accomplish?

this is off topic

paul your not gettin it to a point ,how can we stick together if need be if we argue like llittle cunts in here face it till the cops get it chilled the PRs have the lot

not related to this topic

but srsly guys stop bustin pauls nuts…

Granted yes paul you make some odd comments sometimes but for real guys… we all know paul from the lot… hes a cool guy…

Sometimes it just gets really annoying hearing you guys bust his balls 24/7


The old swat spot was the best

nope i havent seen that, his was the first i saw, its not allowed. period. and ill go through and fix it as needed.

saying PRs = :thumbup
racial/ethnic slurs = :down

Ok listen. Yes that has happened in the past, and yes it will more than likely happen again. BUT, guess whos also going to come back…the PRs. And they are gonna act up again, and ruin the spot. One of the main reasons I went up there is to run my car, and i havent been able to run it once!!

Well maybe I misread your post but from what I thought was that you said it gets us all going at each others throats more or less. And yeah trying to get a cruise or something setup is a joke. Maybe alot of us are lazy about that or something. I dont know.

tell me about it i was excited to get the car goin i got one b/s run in wit it the yr so far .then my first real run i got the cops showin up cause the PRs get the spot hot…if and when we can regroup up there we need to kick it ol school and show the minorities whats up

Better bring your guns holmes

Yeah, theyre gonna come back but theyre also gonna follow us around anyway. They came to Latham Farms and Crossgates Commons. I know nobody told them about LF and they just followed our cars to CC.

Yeah the track is shut down. It was only a matter of time. PR Nascar races FTL.

Hey adam I know its a long shot…

But has anyone really tried to talk to the owner of KOHLS or McD’s?

I mean really, After it closes No one should be in that lot… If you know someone in CPD… cant you see if you can get them to stroll thru more frequently to keep them in check down there and kick them out? They know what goes on, they know who starts what… I personaly have no isses with cops rolling thru. they know why were there… Sure they may not condone the spirited driving but they know thats our meeting palce and where we bullshit about our cars and other important life things such as meat paws masterbation addiction…

They have told us time and time again that KOHLS is off limits… and they will kick people out/write tickets and arrest as needed but since last year I have not seen on Colonie cop roll thru and kick out kohls like the used too

i gots many of those dont worry .from now on ill have one with me .not cause im scared but hell lets face it im not gettin shot at without some reaction

im not reading all 7 pages, but jim told me about this and it sucks. prs need to be kept away, we need to go somehwere they wont find cause their shitty cars wont make it. so when theres a new spot someone pm me where.

We’ll warn them as well.

Sad to hear about this, but to those thinking it’s over… guess again, EVERY year something big happens, EVERY year it’s back to normal alter on, time heals all wounds. Unless a shooting literally happens I doubt the lot is going anywhere, but it is getting worse.

I’ve been to the lot maybe 4 times last year and haven’t gone once this year, whether it be time or the people there, never got around to it.

I agree with Brew about that location that he mentioned earlier, SWAT guys used it successfully, very easy to reach, great view and atmosphere.

I suggest we make that a spot for the members here and see where it goes, but yes it is further from the lot then some other place, but it is central to everybody.

crazyz250 - hope you get better quick, good luck and speedy recovery!

We need some business owner to take the opportunity of the demand for a lot and the potential profit, so both sides would be happy. If we have the rights to the lot and can control who goes there, including calling the police on “trespassers” it would be ideal. Since by now we all know who the good guys/bad guys are.

Anybody want to open up an auto themed Cafe? =)


Pretty sure the PR’s wont go to Altamont or Schoharie.

They will not follow us if they have no info on the spot! Plus the spot is pretty small, which = NO room for them