Say goodbye to the "lot"

whatever man. Im about to get out of the game all together

ok pjb. stop being homo. adam/k20 spots safe.

Spots safe?


I am done going to the lot unless meeting someone that has called me or pm’d me to show. Way to many scum bags there and PR’s not worth being there with the possibility. It’s sad that this shit has to happen and people cant just get along.
Brian hope you get better quick and ill see ya doing those wheelies by my house soon enough .

should this get moved to SRS maybe??

Im not being a homo, just realistic.

We go thru this new lot thing atleast once a year and always return to the same fucking spot.

thread moved… quit flapping your gums about alternative spots that the muscle car guys like to use, this is why youre made a mockery of around here paul, you act without thinking… QFT.

+1 on that, I was wondering why this was not in the SRS considering everyone could see it in the general section

Well moving once a year obviously isnt working. Ive had a gun, a knife, and a wrench(F&F style) pulled on me at MCDs only to name a few. I dont feel like being killed, or having to kill someone to chill in a parking lot. That wouldnt look too good on the resume with what im trying to get into.


Seriously I dont give a shit about what half the people here think of me anyway. Im being realistic, if other people dont see it that way they dont have to agree with me.

damn dude, yea seems hardly worth it if we actually have to worry bout getting killed while just trying to have fun talkin to friends about cars

just get a job where you work overnights on weekends. takes away all possibility of going out… no going out = more monies and more monies = more h0eZ.

I was there and had the knife pulled on me too. Yet I still go back every week. Ive just learned to let the retards be retards because its not worth trying to stop them.

oh yeah and PJB, please refrain from using the word “spic” youve been warned. kthnxbai

  • nazi moderator

I used to work late (long days, not night shifts) on the weekends and never went out and had plenty of money in my pockets. Things have changed though and Id rather work 7-3 and have weekends off and be able to go out.


y aknow what its shit like this that gets the lot goin ,we all turn and abuse friends i know i know i do it to but everyone should know im playin its pretty fuckin bad when we as a whole cant evemn get a cruise or a meat off without bullshit why wouldnt other crap follow

But other people disguising other ethnic slurs with numbers and shit in this thread is ok?