Say goodbye to the "lot"

When the splatter of poo hits the water in the toilet bowl it creates a mushroom cloud

very nice, very nice

I think that’s an awesome idea. I remember one of the first nights I went to the lot a bunch of guys went out crusin for a little bit, that was a blast. Of course I couldn’t keep up with everyone though, haha.

haha lmao chris

i think the spot we found today would be a cool hang out. After all, the motards could be put to good use back there too. off the road behind trees no one would see us back there. Unless we do something to get ourselves kicked out we should be fine

yeah i remember when we had 12-15 cars and two bikes go for a nice ride all the way up 90 and back… that was a fun time havn’t done that in along time

Yeah man, when we did that last year that was sooo fun. Solid group of cars too.

joey u got a ducati?

coffee makes me piss more than beer

wow, just read all this, sorry to hear what happened to this kid. What a bunch of dirtbags

I swear, this is the most unorganized car scene that I’ve ever been a part of. It’s pathetic how people are unwilling to travel, or (gasp) try something that someone else suggested.

Alot of you know me and my car.If and when there is a “new spot” PM me with details please.-Thankyou-

So do something about it.

he’s ~300 miles away right now :lol

i think (and hope) that as long as there are 10+ people who are genuinely looking hard for another spot to hang out that is secluded but not out of the way, that we can make it happen this year and kind of create our own environment that is free of retards and CSBS in general.

brew’s spot seems like a good location, but from the way he worded it to me it doesn’t seem like people hang out there every fri/sat, though, it’s kind of an on/off thing.

He does have a point though.

I was just busting his balls lol

yeah i know you were. he’s been saying that for a while and i’ve been kind of ignoring it, but i think it’s gone too far this year. i’m not going to try and act all heroic by saying that even if it’s only me and 4 other people that i’ll hang out at a new “spot” while everyone else is still at mcdonalds/kohls, but if half of “us” can break away from the lot i’ll certainly be there.

If I lived/worked in Albany, I’d be a much more active member, and I’d have a good hangout going somewhere other then the lot.

I speak from experience.

Glad you’re ok Brian. Everytime I go to the lot it seems to get worse. While the PR’s (and others) provide unlimited entertainment with the abuse they are willing to put their cars through, I understand why some people are upset that other people are killing the spot they’ve hung out at for years. I don’t really go there that often, but I’ve always enjoyed going, hanging out with friends, meeting new people, and checking out the cars. I think I’m gonna head down to Kingston and see what they’ve got going on this weekend if anyone is interested in joining in. We met a guy there with a pretty crazy Evo, and theres some cool downstate guys on here.

It could be cool if you guys set up a ‘car night’ at Sonic somehow…

Yes, that’d be excellent. I guess they meet at a big car wash down there, but I’m sure Sonic will turn into a meeting spot eventually.

pnr sounds good to me and sonic every now and then, PR’s cant come to CP its too upscale for them

ooooooooooooooooooooo thruway runs.

Might bring out the M3T.