Say goodbye to the "lot"

can i have my 3:17 back??? whose all going out tonite??..i shud be around 830 ish…

whoa WTF!!! how did i miss u and paul discussing how cute i am?!!?!?!?!?! remind me never to turn around near u:rofl

lmao…with deep southern accent “dam boii…you got summ puurdyy lippss”-BUBBA hahaha

Looks like adam was right. I drove past on my way home from the “new lot”, i must have seen atleast 10 CPD cars. What was weird was they used 2 cop cars to pull 1 person over, and they were searching a car behind wendys.

That sounds like a felony stop to me

A couple felony stops that night from what I was told. When I drove by the lot they had 2 cars pulled 1 guy over, with him cuffed standing at the back of his car. CPD was all over the place, and quite a few cruising central obvserving.

We stopped by there LATE after all the racing and there wasnt a person there. About 10-12 of us chilled there till about 4:15, and went home. Nice and quiet, perfect.

i’m done with the lot until all the Public retard’s r gone. not that i go that often, but lately once is to often.

besides i got my own bumpy ass parking lot i can hang out in …

Word… good

Wouldnt be the first or last time one of those dirtballs pulled a weapon or the cops kicked us out.

What kind of tickets are you afraid of? You drive a stock pickup truck just like me. As long as its registered and inspected and you dont drive like an idiot what can they possibly ticket you for?

I doubt anybody really wants to go all the way to CP.

i’ve crusied saratoge b4 they got a nice lil set up, going on up there.

Ive got a ‘connection’ in Saratoga county but Id just rather not go that far.

i wouldn’t drive that far if i knew my car wasn’t gonna make it either. lol

Not like your car will go that far. After a while your feet would get tired from Flintstoning it.

Who knows what mines gonna do. Hopefully not blow the tranny to pieces for another year or two.

you ex-boyfriend who works as a clerk in the sherrif’s office does NOT count.

Well good thing thats not who/what my connection is

i got a ticket friday nite for no front plate…bs/harrasment ticket btw…

I cant believe this is still a topic of conversation. The lot is done and over with its been done and over with as a chill spot for years in my mind before this shit even occured.

Yeah, its bullshit but if you had a plate it wouldnt have been an issue.

I keep my daily driver totally legal. My car has a few things some could consider illegal but I dont drive it (when its running) nearly as much as my DD.

it wasn’t like my plate was on another vehicle, i had it sitting on my center console…the officer seen it and said it needed to be on the truck not in it…i wasn’t speeding or drinkin which is what the liscense plate law is set up to do. give cops a reason to pull someone over check their info and hopefully catch someone doing more than not having a front plate…you know cobleskill state pd and how they harrased bikers at the am-jam and now they’ve ruined a good time…

Front plate law is there so officers can get vehicle ID if need be. Needs to be there, no if ands or buts. If ya dont like it on there, ya deal with the BS that comes with it.