Say goodbye to your funding Berkeley CA

i’ll digress and admit that the context of my comments was reverse ignorance… intended to generate the same offensive that i feel when people use comments like “we owe them” or “support our troops”

Also, i do not doubt for a second that conditions are bad on the ground over there. But i would not take that comment as evidence in support of anything. It really only lends itself to support my point.

The issue is 30,000 ft higher, figuratively speaking. As i mentioned in other threads, i do not disagree with the war. I undertstand why it is happening and i know that it must happen to the benefit of North America.

But the soldiers are employees.

The war is purely economic, it has nothing to do with freedom and spreading of democracy and therefore the soldiers are not fighting for nationalistic reasons as they were also led to beleive, more convincingly so, in generations past.

The shroud of pride has obviously weakened in recent years and rightfully so. More and more people understand why war happens and why it has to.

If i were to speak for all people who share my sentiment it is that the reasons we are told we go to war are lies and therefore your pride based on those reasons is based on a lie.

If supporters would support the real reasons for the war there would be no issue. You’re there to defend the US dollar, to limit china’s ascension into the world’s next super power and to re-inforce corporate control of energy and monopoly of all western tax dollar appropriation…