Say goodbye to your funding Berkeley CA

I’m in if we can swing by and hit the old men protesting in front of that abortion place on Sweet Home too.

HAHAHA do they have the posters and shit out there. In seattle when they go out they have these posters with crazy images and they spread out like 100ft. between each person and consume like a mile radius lol. But yea that sounds sweet. Sometime in July but we have to do it drunk just to add more irresponsibility to the situation.

that’s what they tell you to justify what you’re doing, but you don’t really believe that, do you?

why’d we invade iraq again?

and I love how anytime somebody is against what the military is being told to do then must somehow also be anti-military… come on, really?


I wont repeat all of my comments here because I dont want to get fired up. But let’s just say I didnt say the nicest things about these dbags protesting when I saw the video the other day.

Have you seen him pimping his bitch out?

Not to shit in this thread but that was the srtupidest shit i have read in some time. Im not some brainwashed fool but thanks for your opinion. You really must not know many military people because im about the only one who wouldnt think we should just beat the shit out of the protestors. Why we invaded Iraq is why i think my job would be pointless if Americans lost freedoms? Why would i need to justify what i am doing? How many Iraqis have you spoken to? How many villages have you visited? You are so wrong because i dont need to tell myself this to justify what i do here. I tell myself this to justify people like you.

We really need a :salute: smiley. Anyway, :tup: I guess is the best I got.

Shutup im brainwased. I have never told anyone but about once a month we gather in an auditorium for a “speech” but then the lights go down and i start to get kinda dizzy. Then really pretty lights are everwhere for some time. It gets fuzzy and then i wake up and feel great about what i do for a living. Its really nice the only downside is my bum hurts for a few days after.

Oh boy.

If you just think about it for a second you would realize that i dont. You are assuming you know what i do and how i think about anything. Did i start a war? Have i killed anyone? Have i made sure families get fed? Do I even support war? You really dont know anything about my situation other then im in the military so you have no ground to judge if i do anything that needs justification. I dont like that i have to be here. I dont like that people are being killed. I dont like war. I do like trying to help all of the people i can here on a daily basis. I dont need help justifying what i do. No shitstorm please im not trying to start one. If you have any issues or questions please pm me. Thanks.

Um… you / we owe them nothing, not this generation anyways.

Dieing for nothing and turning it into something is what jaded, misled nobodies due to justify their existence.

The military is a job like anything else. It is even more bullshit than paying police officers almost 6 figured to hand out traffic tickets.

Yes, traffic cops that i know personally are making $80k a year. And i know a dozen + young guys who were destined for less than mediocrity before putting fatigues on and hassling innocent brown people for a pay cheque and college funding.

How many traffic cops do you know that spend 10 months at a time overseas in a war zone with their families at home praying to God to not get a knock on the door? To call it a job just like anything else is, well, not something I agree with.

Sure the military of our generation isn’t out keeping a clearly defined enemy behind clearly defined borderlines like our grandparents generation, but the world we live in isn’t the same world as our grandparents grew up in.

I’m thankful for each and every man and woman who have chosen to join the military, regardless of their reason for enlisting.

Im a jaded, misled, nobody? Bing you hurt my feelings. I wish people with this view could just come here for a few months to gather a more clear perspective of what is happening over here. I am educated and come from a family with plenty of money. I joined because i wanted some life experience, responibility, and to do things on my own. You are a meanie. 10 months is weak fry im on month 13 right now woot!!!
Also Bing i understand if you think the war is pointless etc. etc but saying that people have died for nothing is way on the harsh end of things. Maybe they didnt die for something you believe in but it is hardly for nothing.

Yeah Bing, seriously man. When people risk their lives to help better a country on the otherside of the World, and do what they can to make this world a better place, then what you say is fucking ignorant. Sure, maybe our president and other military decision-makers aren’t really making the right calls. that doesn’t mean that the people on the front line are there for the wrong reasons though. My brother-in-law is a Marine, and he absolutely loves his job. He was out of it for only a few months when he decided to re-enlist. It takes bravery and it takes passion to do something like fight in this war. Beleive it or not, when were done with Iraq, it will be a better place for its citizens, no matter how long it takes.

i’ll digress and admit that the context of my comments was reverse ignorance… intended to generate the same offensive that i feel when people use comments like “we owe them” or “support our troops”

Also, i do not doubt for a second that conditions are bad on the ground over there. But i would not take that comment as evidence in support of anything. It really only lends itself to support my point.

The issue is 30,000 ft higher, figuratively speaking. As i mentioned in other threads, i do not disagree with the war. I undertstand why it is happening and i know that it must happen to the benefit of North America.

But the soldiers are employees.

The war is purely economic, it has nothing to do with freedom and spreading of democracy and therefore the soldiers are not fighting for nationalistic reasons as they were also led to beleive, more convincingly so, in generations past.

The shroud of pride has obviously weakened in recent years and rightfully so. More and more people understand why war happens and why it has to.

If i were to speak for all people who share my sentiment it is that the reasons we are told we go to war are lies and therefore your pride based on those reasons is based on a lie.

If supporters would support the real reasons for the war there would be no issue. You’re there to defend the US dollar, to limit china’s ascension into the world’s next super power and to re-inforce corporate control of energy and monopoly of all western tax dollar appropriation…

This sentiment is the problem. you do not understand war. Your support is misguided and as a result you are dangerous.

Yeah i bet Vietnam was real thankful for the 3,000,000 dead… they were all trouble makers… and wow were we all in trouble if we didnt kill those 3,000,000 people…

I know you’ve read a lot of papers, but when I talk to people who have actually BEEN there or ARE there and they say that the quality of life of the people there is improving, I’m going to believe them.

You are choosing to believe that the war is purely economic. You have supporting evidence. I choose to believe that the war is not purely economic and I have supporting evidence. Yes soldiers are paid employees, but that’s not all they are.

There is truth in what you are saying bing, but you cannot declare that “this is what the war is really about and anyone that doesn’t agree with me is ignorant and misguided.”

To say that war is purely economic is just as ignorant as to say it is purely humanistic.

I’ll also add that if the protesters knew what would happen if the US did not go to war in the Iraq and soon in Iran then they would probably not protest as fervently as they do now.

some people protest simply on the ‘principal’ of an ideal, for example, that war is always bad for everyone, and so there would still be some protest… just not as much.

Bing when do you predict that we will go to war with Iran?