Say goodbye to your funding Berkeley CA

you know military people who were there after the war, perhaps after shock & awe.

That is like saying that after Castro dies that the US will go in and improve the standard of living… umm… US sanctions in Cuba and Iraq led to the reduction in QofL… it’s pure freud (<not a spelling mistake)

Like Saddam, Castro brought education and healthcare to a nation that did not have it… the quality of life in both countries was improved by both leaders. Not to the level of the US but that is subjective and controversial on account of the sanctions i mentioned above.

you do realise that Saddam was trading oil for food for his citizens (with the UE and Russia) and bush stopped that right?

We are already at war with iran. It started years ago.

btw… i say WE because Canada is only a seperate entity in some fashions. All politics and economics between the countries (Can / US) are intertwined.

Cougar, the most important part of war is the first part, before the missles start to fly.

The part of the war i am talking about is the “engineering of consent”.

To liken it to the Iraq war, the process of blurring the lines between terrorism and iraq. There is a clear line seperating the two and all politicians, Bush, Rumsfled, Wolfy, etc. etc. have backtracked and admitted there was no collusion.

The Irani pm coming to the US to do a lecture series was a counter-intelligence move. Imagine Saddam had of come over for a lecture series after 9/11?

The purpose was to humanize Irani leaders to make it more difficult for Americans to beleive he is really that evil.

Ah yeah, the good old oil for food program… the one funneling money to the Iraqi government.

So do you think we will have a war like Iraq with Iran where we send in troops and such? I could see it happening to be honest but i just dont see it being supported.

that’s the point isn’t it?

and besides, i know you as an american would not criticise another government of being corrupt with national resources (inlcluding money)

Can we just drive by and throw water on these idiots?

i edited my post to include something that answers your point there.

we are in the process of the first stage, the ‘engineering of consent’

hence the irannian boats coming too close to the US ones… who is further away from home btw?

and the russian airplanes flying over US airspace or something…

btw, Russia and China are very strong allies of Iran as i am sure you are aware… Iran was always more dangerous than Iraq, but going into Iraq makes much better long term sense since it was an easy win in the sense that Iraw never had a chance. And it creates advnatageous positioning agianst Iran.

The war in Iran is likely to be more covert. So far it has been very tech based… the sabotaging of economic utensils etc.

Yes but it looks like we will have to sit down and have some type of moderated debate to decide on the circumstances. We have Fry who wants to possibly run them over but seems cool with using some nerf device. JayS is in with no spoken weapon choice but says we need to go get the abortion guys as well. I am in it for the lulz but would like to see water ballons on these guys and possibly moon them while screamin crazy nonsense. You have an interesting position with this water throwing. Do you want to fill up a bucket and hurl the water perhaps?
Maybe we could have like a secret ballot type of thing. Or we could just do it union style and all make demands and only execute once all demands are met.

I need better ways to pass the time. Please help me.

Go out and kill brown people like Bing suggests is the point of your deployment.

I pictured me possibly towing a car trailer with say 5 members and 10-15 pre-filled 5 gallon buckets of water. I mean we can come to an agreement of 10 buckets of water and 5 buckets of water balloons if requested.

I can then drive by slow, possibly with huge signs stating the current temperature, and that all them people suck. During our passing we will unload all previously mentioned water.

As long as we’re going to use a big trailer lets put my 5500 watt generator on there, hook it up to a big pump, and hit these people with a firehose deluge. Pick up a medium sized kiddie pool as our water tank.

My point to bing was not that the war was declared to help people, but that the individuals enlisting in the armed forces are there because they have a passion to help.My brother in law certainly did not enlist because he wants to make money off of the war. Ive heard very similar things to what Fry has heard. My brother in law doesnt say much about the war, but he will be the first to admit that we NEED to be there. If we withdraw troops now, that whole area is fucked. And just because saddam was giving people food does not mean that the people there were getting the treatment that they deserved.

this is a circular arguement.

you need to brush up a bit on actual foreign policy strategies and how they have been deployed in similar situations in the past. The guise of a liberator… nothing new.

Google the shit out of the term “Banana Republic” and how the term originated in Gautamala…actually i just did it and there isnt much to be found actually.

point is… CIA dont like you, US Gov lie to people, US go in take banana, give country to company who control banana, rinse repeat in iraq please.

rinse, repeat in Venezuela but Chavez not actually dictator like TV say, so people revolt and army demand CIA give back chavez to the people

rinse repeat in Panana because torrijos sell japan access to canal

rinse repeat in Iran because they migh thav nukes

do not rinse repeat in Korea because who cares if they have nukes…

its all the same shit… nothing wrong with any of it, since these guys are costing the US money and control… so out with them please.

Got it. No soldiers actually care and war has nothing to do with anything but economics because traffic cops make 80k per year and Chavez owns a clothing store.

Uggh. This is starting to remind me of the 9/11 debate. :picard:

WE DO NOT NEED TO BE THERE!! Who cares if the whole area is fucked? Is it going to make you loose sleep at night? Probly not. Keep them over there and away from the us. Let them kill each other, who really cares. Just as long as they aren’t messing with the US.


Which is why I’ve remained pretty quiet here. Just not worth it when people have such a distaste for a government that they are willing to cherry pick “facts” to support their agenda of hate.

But :lol: at “as long as they aren’t bothering the US”. So pull out today and go back in 5 years when Iraq is the next terrorist training camp like Afghanistan was?

Sorry guys i had to run out and eat some children, err save the US economy, err brainwashed???







And thats how i feel about that.

This is driving me nuts! What cartoon character (old lady teacher type) is it that goes “What what whaaaat?!”

Ummmmm your mom(no ban)

Wait wasnt this thread about something…Cupcakes? Rainbows? im so confused we must have had one of our “meetings” today, my bum is feeling kind funny.