Not saying it is a bad move, but regarding:
In Washington, a group of Republican lawmakers have introduced the Semper Fi Act of 2008 – named after the Marine motto – to rescind more than $2 million of funds for Berkeley and transfer it to the Marine Corp
Kind of a hurting situation that they won’t give the funds to education, but will add it to the billions of $ that we have already spent on this war. I thik they could have found a better solution than yanking funds, but this will prove a point.
I think the protesters have their right to be against the war, but it is a persons choice if they want to go to war. Just like it is the protesters choice to wear a silly hat and carry around cardboard signs they write catchy sayings on in crayon.
Be it a recruiting station, an adult magazine stand, a strip club, a drag strip, there will ALWAYS be some people to bitch about it. The US has become to politically correct and caters to the minority of protesters making us look spineless. In this case, they balls upped. :tup: