LOLZ @ “NOS fuel additives”
Dont do business with Bennyfizzle. He just counts on you forgetting he owe you money. Brilliant. But a dbag nonetheless.
wow Jclark. im sorry to hear. what a douche.
Just an observation from someone who knows noone around these parts…but if your crying you dont have money to pay someone, and then claim to have money in your back pocket, thats kind of a douche bag move…
Failvis IS a douchebag move.
Dude you sold me defective parts, that’s all I’m saying on here, expect to hear from my lawyer.
He’s a jew so he’s REAL good.
Pics of jew gold or it never happened
Why would you borrow money from anyone in the first place if you know your not going to have the money to pay them back. Unless you said yeah when John pays me back the debt that hes told me hes not going to pay then ill get back to you. Which im sure noone would go for.:retardclap
bump for great justice
I called the INS. You’re going straight back to Mexico.
About time
Along with your shoddy spacers, yeah.
Now my car looks like SSSSSMOKIN
Srsly, i put the spacers out back…shit’s hellaflush…got a little rubadub goin on…and holy FUCK are the curb savers big on the potenzas…we had to put over 100psi in each tire to get the bead/curb saver to fold over onto the lip :shifty
Very :shifty
Loudest sounds I’ve ever heard coming from a tire being mounted. Scary.
This isnt your build thread you con artist.
oh right i should update it
And automaticdoublemergebfcstyle your double posts, you k20postwhore.
Yea you thief. Thanks to you Jesse could not afford to buy me drinks on Saturday
I cant buy you another drink if you nurse the first one all night long.