***SCAMMER ALERT*** - Dont do business with BENNYFIZZLE!!!!!

wow thats why ya think your rich your math is all wrong kid but whatever im not gonna sweat it ,ill keep it in the back of my mind though

you must like his man parts of be jealous of him

The feldspar killed, I almost fell out of my chair.


Or both :thumbup

couldnt care less what you are or arent jealous of. for all i know you have a 2" pecker and are dying to see mine… i got no clue. dont give a fuck…just find it funny how EVERY TIME you log on here you find a thread i post in and harass me about whatever you feel necessary. its comical.


yeah lets do that see how it stands up ,seein as the c/c aint even paid for so therfore ya didnt lose shit

He told you to lick his nuts last time…I vote you unlock every thread he locks:excited

every “diss” you have towards people is a sexual remark do you realize that? im not 5 yrs old that doesnt really mean anything to me

I’m jealous of everyone on here :frowning:

yeah, you should keep that debt to me in the back of your head… shit you should just hand over the fuckin money you owe… but … that wouldnt occur to a fine upstanding citizen such as yourself would it john?

look in the mirror ,yellowtooth


because your so prompt on your payments sir


i work support my kids and shit what do u do milk mommys tities yup your upstanding

and yet you find time to scam friends out of over 1000$… how do you do it… such a stressful life.

god damnit I can’t push f5 fast enough !
