School aid increases...

How many kids do you have in the Williamsville Central School District?

None, I pay (twice) for their education. Once in my exorbitant taxes and again in tuition. Interestingly, they get a much, much better education at a private school where the tuition is LESS than the per capita expenditure in the WCSD. The best way to “reform” the public schools is make them compete by giivng vouchers equal to the cost. The only people blocking this supremely logical idea are guess who - the teacher’s unions. Surprise! There would be just about no one left in the PS system with a decent voucher system in place. But they are concerned “for the children” and hence fight the idea tooth and nail.

The hypocrisy (and greed) is stunning. Oh yes, more money for the schools in the PRNY will help. Help insure mediocrity and the re-election of Spitzer anyway. Fine idea, typical of Albany. I am surprised no one has yet said “if you don’t like it, leave.” Tens of thousands are doing so every year, and the reason is simple. High taxes, due to overpaid government employees (especially teachers) leads to a poor business climate, private sector job loss and wage stagnation for the ever fewer jobs that are left. The only growth area in NYS is the public sector. Obviously, this creates a negative feeback loop. If there is one group that could be held responsible for the decline of NYS, it is the public school teachers and their unions. Just look at the shenanigans in the city of Buffalo wrt the single health insurance provider issue. The BTF is so greedy that they are willing to cut off their nose to spite their face. Fucking morons.

Nice job guys, keep it up. Of course, once you retire and get your pension you will move out to avoid the taxes :eyebrow:

Edit: when I posted the above I should have said “If there is one group that could be held responsible for the decline of NYS, besides the state Legislature and the various town and local governments, it is the public employee unions. Of these, the teacher’s unions are the worst due to their size, clout, and stunning disregard for anything other than their own self interest”.