School aid increases...

God damn you don’t even have kids, which means you don’t even have real contact with the district. The average teacher in the private sector gets paid less than 30k a year and still has to get the same education that someone in the public sector needs. Those students tend to do better in school for a lot more reasons then the quality of thier teachers which isn’t going to be that great. They come from higher end families that give more attention to thier childs education than the average parent in the public sector. Also classroom sizes are about half, I can tell you I could do a much better job teaching if I had around 15 student in my class instead of 30. But you don’t think of those things, you just look at the number and the figures and draw your coclusions sitting at your computer, not taking into account any of the real things that control a students success. Typical.

Underpaid teachers leads to shitty teahers which leads to a piss poor education system at the teaching level, that only hurts the students.

If you think that most teachers getting in the field today do it for the money then you are truley cluless on the topic, but that doesn’t mean that we should be paid shit either.

All your stereotypes against teachers might hold water only to the few that started teaching 30+ years ago who are on a different pension and salary system. That would be your generation grandpa.

For the rest of us, we won’t get thier type of pension, or retire making the amount of money that they were able to make. You might know this if you had a clue about the teaching field of today, but you don’t.

Don’t be pissed off because we went and got ourselves educated which means we don’t have to get our hands dirty to make a living.

I’m done with this topic. I’m not going to have a 60 year old piss ant sitting at a computer dictate to me the field he has no experience with.

PS: Thanks for the taxes, I went to the Williamsville school district and I got a top notch education. The Dell computers were great. :slight_smile: