School loanssss

how much are you going to be in the hole when you get out, what rate is your loan at …

$100,000 at 29.99% default rate…Unless of course you purchased a supercharged LS1 with school loan money then blew it up

I graduated in December so I have two totaling about $28,000 @ 6.22%. They start in July. Ugh.


I have 17k in school loans at a lowbie percent.

around 15g’s and shouldn’t be rackin up anymore. could be worse.



loans are done paid, son

something like 20-30k @ like 3%, so this will be the slowest loan I pay off… 3% is almost free money.


paid for that shit up front


10k left

thanks for all of your hard work dad.

60k at 5/9%

21k and i had a full scholarship for undergrad :tdown:
but I also have 20k in bonds from the rents to pay them off. Between the interest im earning on them and only having a 2.8% rate on the loans, (Thank you consolidation) which i can write off, why bother? minimum payment every month for now.

ugh i dont even know, or want to know right now…

$0 but maybe i’ll take some out and get myself something nice.

~24k right now :frowning: