June 6, 2007, 11:26am
yah so, ive been thinking about this and it just seems odd to me.
Ive been working in the food industry for over 6 years now. 2 years ago I decided to goto school because I extremely hate the food industry. Plus go figure would like to have a career other then a dead end job. So recently Ive been looking for work while going to school. (keep in mind, my school goes year round) Of coarse, the only jobs I look at deal nothing with food/cooking etc. It seems everything that doesn’t involve food is a full-time job. Witch I can not apply for or get due to I am in school year round.
School -1
Another thing thats been on my mind recently. My car, for the last year or so has sat and nothing changed due to lack of funds. That and reallying focusing on school. But lets think of it this way. If I still worked like I did before I went to school my car would be done, no questions asked. Not to add but I would have money right now.
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From what everyone tells me though it will all be better when I graduate. How so? Im more then likly going to move out of state (sorry, to the people that hate it here but I like Pittsburgh for some odd reason) Not to mention, leaving everyone I know etc. Then adding to that I will more then likly start off getting payed as much as I had when working with food. WTF MATE?!
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Even though all this adds up, its not like im going to be dropping out of school. I like what im doing and hopefully be able to pay the bills with it one day. But for now I dunno wtf.
Quit being a whiney little bitch and just work a BS part time job and get school done. Hell come drive my 240 if you want something fun to drive for a day. Cars can wait! You are almost done so quit being a pussy, if you drop out of school you will never go back.