School Shooting in CT

So this is what happens

Beat your kids more = Serial Killers

Not beating your kid enough = Mass shootings

According to the main stream media he was getting lots of help in school but…

you have the find the sweet spot really, somewhere south of serious bruising but north of pink-belly

Yep, definitely paints a better picture of mental illness than what most of us have ever experienced. In this case it sounds like it didn’t really matter what she did the kid was/is sick and dangerous. It gets back to my earlier point that sometimes there’s just nothing you can do.

---------- Post added at 10:59 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:57 AM ----------

According to the mainstream media there were two killers and his mom worked there and he was autistic and and and…

This thing has been surrounded by the worst journalism I have ever seen. I’m not going to pay much attention for at least another week or two. Too much of the reporting has been 100% fabricated.

This is a huge part of the problem. We’re content to allow “crazy” as a defense in court but refuse to properly address it before it reaches that stage.

Stop having useless children. We don’t need anymore people on this earth anyways. Give it a break for like 20 years and it’ll be okay.

This has been going on for years.

The only thing worth watching is the periodic statements made by the State Police.

If you know he’s sick/dangerous you have to remove him from society. That’s a slippery slope of how do you “pre-convict” someone and lock them away? In the case of the blog post I think any psychologist would work with this kid and be very confident that he’s going to hurt himself or someone else if left unchecked. Is that enough to lock someone up? If so, where do you set the bar for deciding they’ve been helped enough for release?

Well, I think it’s obsurd though, that the recommendation given to the mother was, send him to jail. Shouldn’t mental illness facilities be able to take the child in and work with him? He may have to stay at the facility indefinitely, but I think he deserves a chance in a controlled environment to improve his condition while be constantly monitored. Throwing him into a highly volatile prison system is a sure fire way to ensure that he never gets any healthier.

And if you were thinking about buying certain guns or magazines above 10 bullets. Might want to think about doing it sooner then later.

30 round mags will be banned ASAP. While this tragedy is still fresh in people’s minds.

---------- Post added at 11:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:29 AM ----------

I’m a gun owner, who constantly forgets that he has a gun.

Somewhat related:

What was that about America forgetting about this quickly?

Uhhhh, how can you be racist and watch football?

^^Isn’t ten rounds already the legal limit in NY?

Maybe we will get lucky and she will fall down a flight of stairs and break her hip or something.

Post ban’s have to be 10 rounds or under but it is legal to own 30 round preban mags.

This is all so mind bottling.

LZ, JT76, Fry, tradersbase, etc are so spot on though. We should all have beers I’ll buy lol.

I just want to live by myself for a while. Arguing with people over gun control and crap like this is exhausting.

I don’t drink beer but my alcohol thing went off anyhow. I’m game! :slight_smile:

We better do it soon before we need passports to visit you in Texas.

Or before they ban Beer… oh wait they tried that already.