School Shooting in CT

Count me in.

Just read a comment on Joe’s facebook from someone that said we should start comitting more people to insane asylums for life. But you know, only if they’re really insane.
Right. We should definitely start imprisoning people for life without trial and without them even being accused of a crime. For our safety.
Why do people get so fucking retarded when shit like this happens?

I’ve read everything from arming all kindergarten teachers to putting people in prison without comitting crimes because they are “insane” to putting people in jail for life for defending themselves with unregistered firearms. What the fuck people? I know it sucks to admit that there isn’t much you can do to anticipate sociopathic behavior, but there isn’t. About the only thing that will ever help is to teach our kids to smile and say hi to the weird loner in the corner, instead of joining in with the group picking on him. That and stop modeling intolerant attitudes and behavior (GOP and Christian Church I’m looking directly in your direction.) Even that won’t do much, but it’s about all you can do to address the cause.

But instead we talk about gun control. As if it matters. All gun restricting laws do is make it more inconvenient for everyone to get guns. Good guys have to do more paperwork and bad guys have to go to the black market, but everyone can still get guns. The net effect of gun laws is zero, yet we still talk about them like they could make us more or less safe.

Meanwhile the weird kid in the corner is still listening to all the other kids tell him that he’s different, worthless, bad.


This is a people problem, not a gun problem.

I can’t wrap me head around this can anyone explain why gun control people mention how old the Bill of rights is and how its not relevant.

Yet the majority of people base their lifes around the bible, quarn, and much much older books?

I propose we utilize the sparta pit.

Because The Bible > ******


If they start building schools like prisons we can keep kids safe.

While everyone was debating guns etc this came up I had never heard of it.

“The Bath School disaster is the name given to three bombings in Bath Township, Michigan, on May 18, 1927, which killed 38 elementary school children, two teachers, and four other adults; at least 58 people were injured. The perpetrator killed his wife first, and later committed suicide in his last explosion. Most of the victims were children in the second to sixth grades (7–14 years of age[1]) attending the Bath Consolidated School. Their deaths constitute the deadliest mass murder in a school in United States history.”

This stuff has been happening for years. Just instead of serial killers (Bundy, Gacey, Dahmer, Berkowitz) it’s people running around with weapons. I’ll take a good ol’ serial killer anyday. Keep everyone on their toes.

The only difference is that there were real reporters and investigators back in the day. They didn’t print anything unless they had facts. Not Ryan Lanza’s mother was a teacher at the school and he shot up her classroom with a handgun, to Adam Lanza’s mother was dead in her home, didn’t work at the school and it was with a bushmaster.

Yea was discussing that shift with people the other day seems to be far less serial killers now.

This thread is quite a clusterfuck, but I thought it could benefit from the following story

They should make bombs illegal.

I hate to say it, but this is just something that we’re going to have to get used to and the only thing you can do about it, is comfort those involved.

Everytime you hear about a suicide bomber in Pakistan, does it surprise you? It’s just something we are “used to”.

Ban guns, this kid would’ve just stolen his mother’s car and ran down kids getting on the bus. Ban guns, he’d just make his own homemade pipe bombs. Crazy people are going to do crazy shit. Plain and simple.

Funny you found this…my friend just mentioned this last night in discussion and I’d never heard about it either. I bet he was a gun owner.

Make everything illegal, then hire 90% of the population to poilce all of the illegal shit. That solves our Jobs dilemna as well as our massacre problem.

I don’t know the planning that went into this event so its hard to say what gun control would have done.

However look at that Colorado shooting he planned for weeks had firearms not been available im sure he would have blown some place up.

Good, yet frightening, read.

Reading her threaten him with abandonment makes me wonder how much of his psychosis was built from an early age rather than purely genetic/biological malfunctions. It certainly sounds like the kid has issues beyond environmental, but regardless of whether the kid is healthy or totally damaged, you don’t threaten to abandon a kid if he doesn’t behave. That just guarantees a bad outcome.

Granted he could have, well never know, but I dont think it works like that for these people…

I think theres something a lot more gratifying to them by holding the weapon and pulling the trigger each time knowing theyre inflicting damage with each pull. You can blow something up from far away and know what youve done, but for these people its about the control as much as it is about the damage. Sort of how pedophilia works

Speaking of which, what happened to that kid who was taking target practice in the middle of a tight neighborhood and had a house full of bombs?

One problem that I see here, is that she (and I am sure MANY other parents) had no idea how to handle the situation. From a psychological standpoint, what do you do to help the situation? Honestly, I wouldn’t know how to handle it. So as a parent, what do you do? Normal punishments like grounding aren’t gonna do shit.

It’s just a lousy situation. No parent wants their child to be this way. Most parents aren’t equipped with the knowledge to handle this situation in the best way possible.

At this point, it’s simply food for thought. Certainly a frightening read.